Event Cuore di bambola - una soffitta aperta al cielo
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DescriptionThe performance is a loose adaptation of A Doll's House inspired both by the interpretation of the play provided by Lou Andreas-Salomé in his book "Ibsen's heroines" and the 1972 Italian comic book adaptation by Cinzia Ghigliano, entitled "Nora". The story is set in an imaginary location on the Riviera on the 15th August. The atmosphere and the acting are heavily influenced by those of David Lynch's The Secrets of Twin Peaks.
VenueTeatro Civico Di Busca, Vicolo Del Teatro, 1, 12022 Busca Cn, Italy, Busca, Italy
First Date18th May 2013
Opening Night18th May 2013
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Derivative work
MovingImage: Promo videoLink to Resource
Text: PosterLink to Resource
529867Abbà, ValterValter Abbà379Actor
529865Armando, LucaLuca Armando379Actor
529868Audisio, AntonellaAntonella Audisio379Actor
529866Caporaso, MariellaMariella Caporaso379Actor
529864Massa, IleniaIlenia Massa379Actor
529861Mattalia, MartaMarta Mattalia379Actor
529859Alpa, LauraLaura Alpa397Assistant Director
529863Bersia, FedericoFederico Bersia388Composer
529862Dardanelli, DaniloDanilo Dardanelli388Composer
529861Mattalia, MartaMarta Mattalia388Composer
529860Campagno, MauraMaura Campagno387Costume Designer
529858Sarnelli, CostantinoCostantino Sarnelli375Director
529857Chiotasso, LauraLaura Chiotasso383Dramaturg
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
Première in a TourYes
Production NationalityItaly
Performance languageItalian
Further InformationTour: 8th June 2013, Antico Palazzo Comunale (Salluzzo) / 28th September 2013, Museo della Ceramica (Mondovì)
Event Identifier102439
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