Event La donna del mare
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VenueTeatro Verdi, Riva Tre Novembre N, 1, 34121, Trieste, Italy
First Date27th November 1926
Opening Night28th September 1926
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
  • Web: Amati.unifi.it
455620Abba, MartaMarta Abba379ActorMrs. Ellida Wangel
529030Banchelli, EzioEzio Banchelli379ActorLyngstrand
529031Di Sangiorgio, SilvanaSilvana Di Sangiorgio379ActorHilde Wangel
492418Pantano, ElenaElena Pantano379ActorBolette Wangel
432327Pilotto, CamilloCamillo Pilotto379ActorDr. Wangel
529032Riva, GuidoGuido Riva379ActorArnholm
529033Ruffini, SandroSandro Ruffini379ActorA stranger
455625Santini, EmanueleEmanuele Santini379ActorBallested
455618Pirandello, LuigiLuigi Pirandello389Adaptation
455617Salvini, GuidoGuido Salvini393Dancer
455617Salvini, GuidoGuido Salvini375Director
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
Tour Première
Other Events in Tour
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Production NationalityItaly
Performance languageItalian
Further InformationInformation about the whole tour performances are not available: 26th November 1926, Teatro Comunale G.Verdi (Trieste) / 13th April 1927, Teatro Argentina (Rome) / 15th March 1928, Teatro Argentina (Rome). In 1927 major changes in cast took place: Cele Abba played the role of Hilde; Lamberto Picasso played Dr. Wangel; Rodolfo Martini played the character of Lyngstrand; Lina Paoli played the character of Bolette; Oreste Fares played the role of Arnholm; Piero Carnabuci played the role of the Stranger. In 1928 Fernando Solieri played the role of the Stranger, while Rina Franchetti played the role of Bolette. Source: 'La donna del mare (1926-27)' voce in Archivio Multimediale degli Attori Italiani (AMAtI), Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2004, https://amati.unifi.it/app/#/view/spettacolo/detail/81664?s1=0&s3=81664&s4=7651&ts=1719215637369
Event Identifier102167
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