Event |
Nemico del popolo! |
Venue | Teatro Valle, Via Del Teatro Valle, 22-32, Rome, Italy |
First Date | February
1975 |
Opening Night | 26th October 1974 |
Date Estimated | Yes |
Status | Professional |
Primary Genre | Theatre |
Secondary Genre | |
Source | |
Organisations | |
Contributors | 458061 | Bianchi, Tino | Tino Bianchi | 379 | Actor | Peter Stockmann | | 458056 | Buazzelli, Tino | Tino Buazzelli | 379 | Actor | Dr. Thomas Stockmann | | 458062 | Carrara, Mario | Mario Carrara | 379 | Actor | Morten Kiil | | 458065 | Dani, Claudio | Claudio Dani | 379 | Actor | Captain Horster | | 458063 | Francovich, Massimo, De | Massimo de Francovich | 379 | Actor | Hovstad | | 458057 | Languasco, Nicoletta | Nicoletta Languasco | 379 | Actor | Mrs. Katherine Stockmann | | 458064 | Maniscalco, Gioacchino | Gioacchino Maniscalco | 379 | Actor | Billing | | 458060 | Mari, Franco | Franco Mari | 379 | Actor | Morten | | 458059 | Mari, Roberto | Roberto Mari | 379 | Actor | Ejlif | | 458058 | Nay, Barbara | Barbara Nay | 379 | Actor | Petra | | 458066 | Paoletti, Roberto | Roberto Paoletti | 379 | Actor | Aslaksen | | 436249 | d'Osmo, Sergio | Sergio d'Osmo | 387 | Costume Designer | | | 436249 | d'Osmo, Sergio | Sergio d'Osmo | 376 | Designer | | | 458067 | Fenoglio, Edmondo | Edmondo Fenoglio | 375 | Director | | | 426902 | Ibsen, Henrik | Henrik Ibsen | 386 | Playwright | | | 458069 | Magris, Claudio | Claudio Magris | 378 | Translator | | |
Tour Première | |
Other Events in Tour | |
Works | |
Production Nationality | Italy |
Performance language | Italian |
Further Information | Information about the Tour performances are incomplete: Teatro Duse, Bologna, Italy (26 November- 1 December, 1974); Politeama Rossetti, Trieste, Italy (3 December-15 December, 1974); Teatro Alfieri, Torino, Italy (12th February- 23rd February, 1975); Teatro Valle, Rome, Italy (end of February 1975). The performance directed by Edmondo Fenoglio represented Italy at the XI Prose Festival in London (14th april-19th April, 1975) and then went back on tour in the Marche region (information about the dates and venues not available).
Resource: Archive Teatro Stabile di Torino (Season 1974-1975)
Newspaper: L'Unità 25/09/194 |
Event Identifier | 102122 |
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