Event Hedda. Gabler. Come una pistola carica (Hedda. Gabler. Like a loaded gun)
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Description"Hedda. Gabler. Like a loaded gun" (with a full stop after the name and surname) "with scenes from Henrik Ibsen's Hedda Gabler", as the poster says. This is not a rewriting, but rather a new stage play by Liv Ferracchiati that runs parallel to Hedda Gabler by Ibsen. A woman who craves beauty and freedom while bound by social convention, and a writer with an illuminated vision of the future that has the potential to revolutionize common views, but who is his own worst enemy.
VenueTeatro Studio Melato, Via Rivoli 6, 20121, Milan, Italy
First Date1st December 2022
Opening Night1st December 2022
Last Date22nd December 2022
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
MovingImage: Promo videoLink to Resource
526932Alberici, FrancescoFrancesco Alberici379ActorJörgen Tesman
526927Ferracchiati, LivLiv Ferracchiati379ActorEjlert Lövborg
526933Mazzarino, GiuliaGiulia Mazzarino379ActorCharacter: Irene
526934Palminiello, RenataRenata Palminiello379ActorMiss Juliane Tesman
526935Spisa, AliceAlice Spisa379ActorThea Elvsted
526936Valentini, PetraPetra Valentini379ActorMrs. Hedda TesmanCharacter name in this production was: Hedda Gabler
526937Zavatteri, AntonioAntonio Zavatteri379ActorJudge Brack
526939Vicardi, RiccardoRiccardo Vicardi397Assistant DirectorVolunteer assistant director
526938Zanetti, AnnaAnna Zanetti397Assistant Director
499632Sbicca, GianlucaGianluca Sbicca387Costume Designer
526927Ferracchiati, LivLiv Ferracchiati375Director
526929Mungiguerra, PieraPiera Mungiguerra383Dramaturg
526931Austeri, EmilianoEmiliano Austeri380Lighting Designer
526927Ferracchiati, LivLiv Ferracchiati386Playwright
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
526930Stellato, GiuseppeGiuseppe Stellato405Stage Manager
526927Ferracchiati, LivLiv Ferracchiati378Translator
526928Meregalli, AndreaAndrea Meregalli378Translator
Production NationalityItaly
Performance languageItalian
Event Identifier101621
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