Name_SORTNameEvent DatesEvents Resources
Westfalisches Landestheater   
The White Theatre of the Dostoevsky Museum20041 
World Film Services19731 
Wellesley College Theatre20001 
World Theatre Festival Zagreb20031 
Wilhelm Theater18781 
The Western Stage20031 
The woodhouse players20241 
Worcester State College, Department of Speech and Dramatics19711 
The Wisconsin Dramatic Society19111 
Wayne State University Theatre20111 
Wollongong Workshop Theatre20031 
The Winter Players20251 
Whitman College20001 
Wilhelm Olins sällskap19191 
Westbahntheater Innsbruck2024 – 20252 
Wilhelm Rydbergs sällskap18862 
The Washington Square Players1916 – 19792 
Wild Iris Theatre Company19923 
West Yorkshire Playhouse1994 – 20176 
Williamstown Theatre Festival1984 – 20197 
Engelbrechtska sällskapet (William Engelbrechts Selskab)1892 – 18949 
William Petersens Selskab189311 
Wiener Festwochen1994 – 201716