Name_SORTNameEvent DatesEvents Resources
Staatsschauspiel (Ballhof)   
Shakespeare’s Globe   
Starlight Theatre Co-operative20081 
Seifi Hashem19931 
Samuel Fröler20101 
Sveriges Radio P1 (Svergies Radio P1)19731 
Societat 'Foment de les Arts Catalanes’19081 
Společnost Jana Pištěka18951 
Shanghai Symphony Orchestra20071 
Seattle Repertory Theatre20181 
The Seoul Metropolitan Theater20241 
Sue Lefton Productions19941 
Studentteateret Immaturus20061 
Sixth Annual Play Festival19371 
Saiko Geijutsuza19241 
Soffia Guðlaugsdóttir19321 
Saint Sebastian Players20241 
Stadttheater Landsberg (Warthe)19281 
Secret House20241 
The Studio of Theatre Arts19351 
St. Olaf College Speech and Drama Department19511 
Stagecraft Theatre20111 
Students of Theater 259 Production Class20231 
Spoleto Festival20051 
SM Arte e Cultura20241 
Small World Big Sky Productions 20051 
Siegener Biennale20121 
Siena College 1 
The Sundrive Players19651 
The Sixth Festival20241 
The Shakespeare Playhouse of New York19211 
Stamsund Internasjonale Teaterfestival20121 
Sladký časy (Sweet times)20231 
Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica20241 
Städtische Bühnen Düsseldorf 19461 
Skien International Ibsen Conference 200920091 
Sydney Opera House Trust19761 
São João National Theater20211 
Scotland's National Young People's Theatre Festival20101 
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