Name_SORTName FirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenueCountryResources
Nora22nd October 2009Bosanski kulturni centarBosnia and Herzegovina 
Nora24th June 2009Großes Haus, Bayerische Theatertage CoburgGermany 
Nora30th May 2009Teatr NarodowyPoland 
Nora30th May 2009Scena przy Wierzbowej im. Jerzego GrzegorzewskiegoPoland 
Nora8th April 2009Thalia-TheaterGermany 
Nora24th January 2009UNITIC Business CentreBosnia and Herzegovina 
Nora23rd January 2009Teatrul Municipal BacoviaRomania 
Nora9th January 2009Comédie de ValenceFrance 
Nora15th November 2008Teatr PolskiPoland 
Nóra10th November 2008József Attila Színház, Gaál Erzsébet StúdióHungary 
Nora (Nora / Нора)6th November 2008Alexandrinsky TheatreRussia 
Nora1st October 2008Theater am HaidplatzGermany 
Nóra6th April 2008HungaryHungary 
Nora7th March 2008Apollo-TheaterGermany 
Nora15th February 2008Stadttheater BielSwitzerland 
Nora7th February 2008Casino-TheaterSwitzerland 
Nora31st January 2008Theater MarlGermany 
Nora29th January 2008Latvijas Nacionālais teātrisLatvia 
Nora17th January 2008Stadttheater SolothurnSwitzerland4
Nora4th December 2007Theater im BauturmGermany 
Nora10th November 2007Teatrul National BucurestiRomania 
Nora (Nora / Нора)3rd November 2007Alexandrinsky TheatreRussia 
Nóra21st October 2007József Attila Színház, Gaál Erzsébet StúdióHungary 
Nora22nd September 2007Teatr NarodowyPoland 
Nora22nd September 2007Scena przy Wierzbowej im. Jerzego GrzegorzewskiegoPoland 
Nora18th September 2007Schaubühne am Lehniner PlatzGermany 
Nora9th June 2007Siaulių Dramos TeatrasLithuania5
Nora25th May 2007Forum Gesamtschule MerksteinGermany 
Nora24th May 2007Gymnasium BaesweilerGermany 
Nora23rd May 2007Kulturzentrum FrankentalGermany 
Nora22nd May 2007Aula der Städtischen RealschuleGermany 
Nora21st May 2007Primus-PalastGermany 
Nora19th May 2007Soziokulturelles ZentrumGermany 
Nora18th May 2007St Michael GymnasiumGermany 
Nora17th May 2007Kulturzentrum FrankentalGermany 
Nora16th May 2007Haus der StadtGermany 
Nora14th April 2007GrenzlandtheaterGermany4
Nora24th March 2007Schauspielhaus KielGermany 
Nóra13th March 2007KecskemétHungary 
Nora13th March 2007Stadttheater HerfordGermany 
Nóra6th March 2007MSH Rendezvényház Kht.Hungary 
Nora17th January 2007Theater im BauturmGermany