Name_SORTName FirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenueCountryResources
Nora13th May 2005Mezinárodní divadelni festivalCzech Republic 
Nora28th May 2005GermanyGermany 
Nora1st June 2005Teatrul National Radu Stanca SibiuRomania 
Nora17th June 2005Setagaya paburikkushiatā (Setagaya Public Theatre)Japan 
Nora18th June 2005Teatrul "George Ciprian"Romania 
Nora30th June 2005Matsumoto shimin geijutsukan (Matsumoto Performing Arts Centre)Japan 
Nora18th September 2005Latvijas Nacionālais teātrisLatvia 
Nora24th September 2005Betty Nansen TeatretDenmark4
Nora3rd October 2005Schaubühne am Lehniner PlatzGermany 
Nóra4th October 2005József Attila Színház, Gaál Erzsébet StúdióHungary 
Nora5th October 2005Theater Tri-bühneGermany 
Nora12th October 2005Theater im BauturmGermany 
Nora1st November 2005Das Theater an der EffingerstrasseSwitzerland 
Nora3rd November 2005Real Escuela Superior de Arte DramáticoSpain 
Nora3rd November 2005Vaganten BühneGermany 
Nora11th November 2005Teatrul Bulandra (Sala Izvor)Romania 
Nora17th November 2005Théâtre de LyonFrance 
Nora (Nora / Нора)22nd November 2005Alexandrinsky TheatreRussia 
Nora28th December 2005Thalia-TheaterGermany 
Nora24th January 2006Théâtre National de BelgiqueBelgium 
Nora23rd February 2006The Arclight TheaterUnited States of America 
Nora ( / Νόρα)25th February 2006Pallas TheatreGreece 
Nora3rd March 2006Hong KongHong Kong 
Nora11th March 2006Her Majesty's TheatreAustralia 
Nora9th April 2006GermanyGermany 
Nora21st April 2006The Schoolhouse TheaterUnited States of America 
Nora21st April 2006Scena przy Wierzbowej im. Jerzego GrzegorzewskiegoPoland 
Nora26th April 2006Harbach Theatre, Knox CollegeUnited States of America 
Nora1st May 2006GermanyGermany 
Nóra5th May 2006Babeş-Bolyai Tudományegyetem Színház és Televízió KarRomania 
Nora ( / Νόρα)20th June 2006Peiraiós 260 (Piraeus 260)Greece 
Nora5th September 2006Nationaltheatret HovedscenenNorway3
Nora11th September 2006Schaubühne am Lehniner PlatzGermany 
Nora16th September 2006Teatr NarodowyPoland 
Nóra16th September 2006Bygdelagssamskipnaden KonferansesenterNorway 
Nora16th September 2006Scena przy Wierzbowej im. Jerzego GrzegorzewskiegoPoland 
Nora29th September 2006Theater Bonn KammerspieleGermany 
Nora18th October 2006Theater Tri-bühneGermany 
Nora (Nora / Нора)21st October 2006Alexandrinsky TheatreRussia 
Nora26th October 2006Latvijas Nacionālais teātrisLatvia 
Nora27th October 2006National TheatreTaiwan 
Nóra3rd November 2006József Attila Színház, Gaál Erzsébet StúdióHungary