Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenueCountry Resources
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)13th October 2001Satirikon (Satyricon)Russia2
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)23rd February 2006Teatr im. LensovetaRussia4
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)6th August 2006Teatr im. LensovetaRussia 
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)4th March 2007Voronežskij Kamernyj teatr (Voronezh Chamber Theatre)Russia5
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)14th March 2008Moskovskij Dramatičeskij Teatr pod rukovodstvom Armena DžigarchanjanaRussia5
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)27th January 1957Teatr kinoteatraRussia 
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)1st September 2000Prijut komediantaRussia 
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)1907Nižegorodskij gosudarstvennyj akademičeskij teatr dramiy imeni A. Gor'kogo (The Nizhny Novgorod State Academic Drama Theater named after M. Gorky)Russia 
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)1914MoscowRussia 
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)1916Malyj Teatr (Maly Theatre)Russia 
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)May 2001Podium festivalen - Meždunarodni festival teatralnih škola (International festival of Theatre Schools)Russia 
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)8th October 2011Aleksandriskij teatrRussia 
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)27th October 2018Moskovski dramatičeski teatr imeni A. PuškinaRussia 
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)6th October 2016Krasnodarski molodežnjij teatr (Krasnodar Youth Theater)Russia 
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)6th May 2014Dramatičeski teatr imeni A. PuškinaRussia 
Gedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler / Гедда Габлер)12th June 2013Moskovski teatr na TagankeRussia 
Gedda Gabler Krasnyj fakel (Red torch)Russia 
Ghosts25th September 1968Close Theatre ClubScotland 
Ghosts11th August 2003Quaker Meeting HouseScotland 
Ghosts9th October 2015Tron TheatreScotland 
Ghosts3rd October 2013Brunton TheatreScotland 
Ghosts13th May 2009Citizen's TheatreScotland 
Ghosts30th April 2011Eastgate Theatre & Arts CentreScotland 
Ghosts17th June 2011Adam Smith TheatreScotland 
Ghosts18th June 2011The Lemon TreeScotland 
Ghosts24th June 2011Brunton TheatreScotland 
Ghosts: A Family Drama30th January 2007ScotlandScotland 
Gabriel Borkman23rd November 1902Narodno pozorište u Beogradu (The National Theatre in Belgrade)Serbia 
Gospođa s mora3rd June 1906Narodno pozorište u Beogradu (The National Theatre in Belgrade)Serbia 
Gabriel Borkman16th February 1912Narodno pozorište u Beogradu (The National Theatre in Belgrade)Serbia 
Graditelj Solnes21st March 1975Narodno pozorište u Beogradu (The National Theatre in Belgrade)Serbia 
Graditelj Solnes11th February 2005Narodno pozorište "Toša Jovanović"Serbia6
Gospa od mora25th December 2008Bitef teatarSerbia 
Gabriel Borkman (John Gabriel Borkman)31st March 1932Novi SadSerbia 
Gudiya Ghar (A Doll's House / गुड़िया-घर)31st August 2018The Arts CentreSingapore 
Gospa z morja27th October 1923Narodno gledališče LjubljanaSlovenia 
Gospa z morja25th January 1982Slovensko ljudsko gledališče CeljeSlovenia 
Gospa z morja23rd November 2002Mestno gledališče ljubljanskoSlovenia 
Gospa Inger na Oestrotu21st October 1932Narodno gledališče LjubljanaSlovenia 
Gradbenik Solnes12th November 1942Narodno gledališče LjubljanaSlovenia 
Gespenster15th March 1899Stadttheater PettauSlovenia 
Gospa z morja (The lady from the sea)23rd November 2019Slovensko narodno gledališče Drama LjubljanaSlovenia