Samhällets stöd, 18991023 | Samhällets stöd | 18991023 | 23rd October 1899 | Svenska Teatern | Svenska Teatern | Finland | |
spiti tis kouklas, To, 18991020 | To spiti tis kouklas (A Doll's House / Το σπίτι της κούκλας) | 18991020 | 20th October 1899 | Theatro Variete | Theatro Variete
(Variety Theatre) | Greece | |
spiti tis kouklas, To, 18990720 | To spiti tis kouklas (A Doll's House / Το σπίτι της κούκλας) | 18990720 | 20th July 1899 | Theatro Neapoleos | Theatro Neapoleos
(Theater of Neapolis) | Greece | |
Samfundets støtter, 18990531 | Samfundets støtter | 18990531 | 31st May 1899 | Christiania Theater | Christiania Theater | Norway | |
Spettri, 18990503 | Spettri | 18990503 | 3rd May 1899 | Teatro Politeama Duca di Genova | Teatro Politeama Duca di Genova | Italy | |
Spettri, 18990221 | Spettri | 18990221 | 21st February 1899 | Teatro Costanzi | Teatro Costanzi | Italy | |
Spettri, 18990202 | Spettri | 18990202 | 2nd February 1899 | Teatro Sociale di Bellinzona | Teatro Sociale di Bellinzona | Switzerland | |
Spettri, 18990110 | Spettri | 18990110 | 10th January 1899 | Teatro Goldoni | Teatro Goldoni | Italy | |
Stützen der Gesellschaft, Die, 18981209 | Die Stützen der Gesellschaft | 18981209 | 9th December 1898 | Großherzogliches Hoftheater Schwerin | Großherzogliches Hoftheater Schwerin | Germany | |
Spettri, 18981028 | Spettri | 18981028 | 28th October 1898 | Teatro Nuovo | Teatro Nuovo | Italy | |
Spettri, 18980918 | Spettri | 18980918 | 18th September 1898 | Arena Nazionale | Arena Nazionale | Italy | |
Stützen der Gesellschaft, Die, 18980907 | Die Stützen der Gesellschaft | 18980907 | 7th September 1898 | Frankfurter Stadttheater | Frankfurter Stadttheater | Germany | |
Spettri, 18980907 | Spettri | 18980907 | 7th September 1898 | Teatro Goldoni | Teatro Goldoni | Italy | |
Spettri, 18980716 | Spettri | 18980716 | 16th July 1898 | Genoa | Genoa | Italy | |
Solness le Constructeur, 18980625 | Solness le Constructeur | 18980625 | 25th June 1898 | Bouffes Parisiens | Bouffes Parisiens | France | |
Spettri, 18980620 | Spettri | 18980620 | 20th June 1898 | Théâtre de la Renaissance | Théâtre de la Renaissance | France | |
Spettri, 18980302 | Spettri | 18980302 | 2nd March 1898 | Brescia | Brescia | Italy | |
Spettri, 18980218 | Spettri | 18980218 | 18th February 1898 | Teatro Manzoni | Teatro Manzoni | Italy | |
Spettri, 18971220 | Spettri | 18971220 | 20th December 1897 | Königliches Hof- und National-Theater | Königliches Hof- und National-Theater | Germany | |
Stubovi društva, 18971109 | Stubovi društva | 18971109 | 9th November 1897 | Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu | Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu
(Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb) | Croatia | |
Spettri, 18971101 | Spettri | 18971101 | 1st November 1897 | Teatro Comunale | Teatro Comunale | Croatia | |
Stupovi društva, 18971101 | Stupovi društva (Pillars of Society) | 18971101 | 1st November 1897 | Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu | Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu
(Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb) | Croatia | |
Spettri, 189711 | Spettri | 189711 | November
1897 | Russia | Russia | Russia | |
Spettri, 18971031 | Spettri | 18971031 | 31st October 1897 | Neues Theater | Neues Theater | Germany | |
Spettri, 18971027 | Spettri | 18971027 | 27th October 1897 | Národní divadlo | Národní divadlo | Czech Republic | |
Spettri, 18971021 | Spettri | 18971021 | 21st October 1897 | Vígszínház | Vígszínház | Hungary | |
Samhällets stöd, 18971019 | Samhällets stöd | 18971019 | 19th October 1897 | Svenska Teatern | Svenska Teatern | Finland | |
Stützen der Gesellschaft, Die, 18971005 | Die Stützen der Gesellschaft | 18971005 | 5th October 1897 | Thalia-Theater | Thalia-Theater | Germany | |
Sablasti, 18970916 | Sablasti | 18970916 | 16th September 1897 | Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu | Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu
(Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb) | Croatia | |
Spettri, 18970916 | Spettri | 18970916 | 16th September 1897 | Theater am Stadtpark | Theater am Stadtpark | Austria | |
Spettri, 189708 | Spettri | 189708 | August
1897 | Montevideo | Montevideo | Uruguay | |
Spettri, 18970725 | Spettri | 18970725 | 25th July 1897 | Arena Torinese | Arena Torinese | Italy | |
Stützen der Gesellschaft, 18970725 | Stützen der Gesellschaft | 18970725 | 25th July 1897 | Leipziger Stadttheater, Altes Theater | Leipziger Stadttheater, Altes Theater | Germany | |
Stützen der Gesellschaft, 18970724 | Stützen der Gesellschaft | 18970724 | 24th July 1897 | Leipziger Stadttheater, Neues Theater | Leipziger Stadttheater, Neues Theater | Germany | |
Spettri, 18970711 | Spettri | 18970711 | 11th July 1897 | Bologna | Bologna | Italy | |
Spettri, 18970608 | Spettri | 18970608 | 8th June 1897 | Bologna | Bologna | Italy | |
Spettri, 18970601 | Spettri | 18970601 | 1st June 1897 | Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu | Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu
(Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb) | Croatia | |
Spettri, 18970414 | Spettri | 18970414 | 14th April 1897 | Trieste | Trieste | Italy | |
Spettri, 18970410 | Spettri | 18970410 | 10th April 1897 | Carl-Theater | Carl-Theater | Austria | |
Spettri, 18970325 | Spettri | 18970325 | 25th March 1897 | Teatro Goldoni | Teatro Goldoni | Italy | |
Strigoii, 18970301 | Strigoii | 18970301 | 1st March 1897 | Teatrul National Bucuresti | Teatrul National Bucuresti | Romania | |
Stützen der Gesellschaft, 18970218 | Stützen der Gesellschaft | 18970218 | 18th February 1897 | Königliches Hoftheater | Königliches Hoftheater | Germany | |