Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenueCountryResources
Hedda gābureru (Hedda Gabler / ヘッダ・ガーブレル)26th October 1912Yǒu lèzuò (Yurakuza Theatre)Japan 
Hedda Gabler20th March 1913Nationaltheatret HovedscenenNorway 
Hedda Gabler26th November 1913VeniceItaly 
Hedda Gabler17th May 1914Teatro NazionaleItaly 
Hedda Gabler16th November 1921Teatro OlimpiaItaly 
Hedda Gabler29th November 1913Stora TeaternSweden 
Hedda Gabler12th December 1913Theater VerkadeNetherlands 
Hedda Gabler25th February 1914Teatr im. Juliusza SłowackiegoPoland 
Hedda Gabler6th April 1914Birmingham Repertory TheatreEngland 
Hedda Gabler21st April 1914VolkstheaterGermany 
Hedda Gabler24th June 1914Teatr MiejskiUkraine 
Hedda Gabler31st December 1914Trianon-TheaterGermany 
Hedda Gabler17th January 1951Arts Theatre ClubEngland 
Hærmændene paa Helgeland2nd October 1915Trondhjems Nationale SceneNorway 
Hedda Gabler24th November 1915Den Nationale SceneNorway 
Hærmændene paa Helgeland2nd January 1916Den Nationale SceneNorway 
Hærmændene paa Helgeland19th February 1919Den Nationale SceneNorway 
Hedda Gabler23rd May 1916Teatr im. Juliusza SłowackiegoPoland 
Hedda Gabler9th January 1917Stadttheater SalzburgAustria 
Hedda Gabler1st March 1917Svenska TeaternFinland 
Hedda Gabler1st September 1917Naroden teatar Bulgaria 
Hedda Gabler26th October 1917Groote SchouwburgNetherlands 
Hedda Gabler30th October 1917Betty Nansen TeatretDenmark 
Hedda Gabler5th March 1918LorensbergsteaternSweden 
Hedda Gabler8th April 1918Plymouth TheatreUnited States of America 
Hedda Gabler11th April 1918Kungliga Dramatiska TeaternSweden 
Hedda Gabler27th February 1951The Drama Studio at St. Olaf CollegeUnited States of America 
Hedda Gabler28th August 1919Teatro ArgentinaItaly 
Hedda Gabler4th December 1919Maison de l'Oeuvre (Salle Berlioz)France 
Hedda Gabler10th January 1920Nemzeti SzínházHungary 
Hedda Gabler16th February 1920Mandel Hall, University Of ChicagoUnited States of America 
Hedda Gabler26th March 1920College Auditorium at Oklahoma A. and M. CollegeUnited States of America 
Hedda Gabler5th April 1920University AuditoriumUnited States of America 
Hedda Gabler1st April 1920Nationaltheatret HovedscenenNorway 
Hedda Gabler18th December 1920Narodno gledališče MariborSlovenia 
Hedda Gabler12th May 1921Birmingham Repertory TheatreEngland 
Hedda Gabler4th October 1921Théâtre de l'OeuvreFrance 
Hedda Gabler22nd May 1922Everyman TheatreEngland 
Hedda Gabler12th June 1922Kingsway TheatreEngland 
Hedda Gabler14th August 1922Brixton TheatreEngland 
Hedda Gabler30th October 1922Wimbledon TheatreEngland 
Heda Gabler14th September 1922Narodno pozorište u Beogradu (The National Theatre in Belgrade)Serbia