Event |
I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια) |
Venue | Theatro Alikis (Alice Theatre / Θέατρο Αλίκης), 4 Amerikis Street, Athens, Greece |
First Date | 7th October 1942 |
Last Date | 22nd November 1942 |
Status | Unknown |
Primary Genre | Theatre |
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Contributors | 509963 | Alexakis, Giannis | Giannis Alexakis | 379 | Actor | Molvik | A balding man | 502949 | Diamantopoulos, Vasilis | Vasilis Diamantopoulos | 379 | Actor | Hjalmar Ekdal | | 509964 | Fyrios, Giannis | Giannis Fyrios | 379 | Actor | Graaberg | | 509962 | Giolasis, Georgios | Georgios Giolasis | 379 | Actor | Haakon Werle | | 459002 | Kallergis, Lykourgos | Lykourgos Kallergis | 379 | Actor | Relling | | 463450 | Koun, Karolos | Karolos Koun | 379 | Actor | Gregers Werle | | 502649 | Lampropoulou, Kaiti | Kaiti Lampropoulou | 379 | Actor | Hedvig | | 502648 | Metaxa, Vaso | Vaso Metaxa | 379 | Actor | Gina Ekdal | | 463612 | Ploritis, Marios | Marios Ploritis | 379 | Actor | Pettersen | | 509966 | Protopappas, Gerasimos | Gerasimos Protopappas | 379 | Actor | A short-sighted gentleman | | 492390 | Stefanidou, Smaro | Smaro Stefanidou | 379 | Actor | Mrs. Sörby | | 509965 | Tachianis, Kostas | Kostas Tachianis | 379 | Actor | A fat gentleman | | 478118 | Vastardis, Nikos | Nikos Vastardis | 379 | Actor | Jensen | | 502458 | Zervos, Pantelis | Pantelis Zervos | 379 | Actor | Old Ekdal | | 504756 | Stefanellis, Giannis | Giannis Stefanellis | 387 | Costume Designer | | | 504756 | Stefanellis, Giannis | Giannis Stefanellis | 376 | Designer | | | 463450 | Koun, Karolos | Karolos Koun | 375 | Director | | | 463450 | Koun, Karolos | Karolos Koun | 375 | Director | | | 426902 | Ibsen, Henrik | Henrik Ibsen | 386 | Playwright | | | 456048 | Daskalakis, Vasos | Vasos Daskalakis | 378 | Translator | | |
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Production Nationality | Greece |
Performance language | Modern Greek |
Further Information | October 7 - November 22, 1942. / November 26 - 10 December 1943 (role change). / Theatro Technis Karolos Koun = Art Theater Karolos Koun. / Role Changes 26 November 1943: Charalampos Plakoudis took over the role of Old Ekdal. Giorgos Nikolaidis took over the role Pettersen. / The performances in 1943 were part of a "Festival Ibsen" as Theatro Technis Karolos Koun arranged winter season 1943-1944, as well Ghosts and Rosmersholm was played. / Source: Giannis Moschos, Henrik Ibsen on the Greek stage. From the first performance till the end of the 20 th century (1894-2000) , PhD thesis, School of Drama, Faculty of Fine Arts, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki 2012, Vol. II, pp. 35-36. |
Event Identifier | 96701 |
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