Event Hedda Gabler
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DescriptionTour: / 3., 4. and 5.7.2009: Centro Cultural, Ílhavo (PT). / 10. and 11.7.2009: Centro de Artes do Espectáculo, Portalegre (PT). / 18.7.2009: Teatro Sá da Bandeira, Santarém (PT). / 31.7. and 1.8.2009: Teatro Académico Gil Vicente, Coimbra (PT). / 8.8.2009: Teatro-Cine, Pombal (PT). / 21. and 22.8.2009: Centro Cultural e Congressos, Caldas da Rainha (PT). / 3. - 13.9.2009: Teatro Campo Alegre, Porto (PT). / 18. and 19.9.2009: Teatro Municipal, Portimão (PT). / 3.10. - 20.12.2009: Auditório Municipal Eunice Munoz, Oieras (PT). / 21. - 24.1.2010: Teatro Bellas Artes, Madrid (ES).
VenueTeatro Campo Alegre, Rua Das Estrelas, Porto, Portugal
First Date3rd September 2009
Opening Night3rd July 2009
Last Date13th September 2009
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
  • Web: Ibsen.nb.no
494392Alves, SofiaSofia Alves379ActorMrs. Hedda Tesman
494395de Sousa, VítorVítor de Sousa379ActorJudge Brack
494397Dulce, MariaMaria Dulce379ActorBerte
494391Filipe, GuilhermeGuilherme Filipe379ActorJörgen Tesman
462928Lisboa, ElisaElisa Lisboa379ActorMiss Juliane Tesman
494393Rocha, AnaAna Rocha379ActorThea Elvsted
494396Rocha, PauloPaulo Rocha379ActorEjlert Lövborg
494398Cleto, CelsoCelso Cleto375Director
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
Première in a TourYes
Tour Première
Other Events in Tour
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93059Hedda GablerHedda Gabler19437Teatro Sá da BandeiraTeatro Sá da Bandeira2009-07-18
93060Hedda GablerHedda Gabler19438Teatro Académico Gil VicenteTeatro Académico Gil Vicente2009-07-31
93061Hedda GablerHedda Gabler19439Teatro-Cine de PombalTeatro-Cine de Pombal2009-08-08
93062Hedda GablerHedda Gabler19440Centro Cultural e Congressos de Caldas da RainhaCentro Cultural e Congressos de Caldas da Rainha2009-08-21
93063Hedda GablerHedda Gabler19441Teatro Campo AlegreTeatro Campo Alegre2009-09-03
93064Hedda GablerHedda Gabler19442Teatro Municipal de PortimãoTeatro Municipal de Portimão2009-09-18
93065Hedda GablerHedda Gabler19443Auditório Municipal Eunice MuñozAuditório Municipal Eunice Muñoz2009-10-03
93066Hedda GablerHedda Gabler15942Teatro Bellas ArtesTeatro Bellas Artes2010-01-21
Production NationalityPortugal
Performance languagePortuguese
Event Identifier93063
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