Event |
Peer Gynt |
Venue | Ballhof Zwei, Knochenhauerstraße 28, Hannover, Germany |
First Date | 15th February 2008 |
Last Date | 28th February 2009 |
Status | Professional |
Primary Genre | Theatre |
Source | |
Organisations | |
Contributors | 491554 | Diekmeyer, Johanna | Johanna Diekmeyer | 379 | Actor | | | 491555 | Fabian, Josephine | Josephine Fabian | 379 | Actor | | | 491556 | Hemmer, Martin | Martin Hemmer | 379 | Actor | | | 491557 | Jeiter, Felix | Felix Jeiter | 379 | Actor | | | 491558 | Maucher, Marion | Marion Maucher | 379 | Actor | | | 491559 | Nesytowa, Katharina | Katharina Nesytowa | 379 | Actor | | | 491560 | Neuhaus, Gerrit | Gerrit Neuhaus | 379 | Actor | | | 491561 | Rust, Jessica | Jessica Rust | 379 | Actor | | | 491562 | Simon, Julian | Julian Simon | 379 | Actor | | | 491553 | Bergmann, Ursula | Ursula Bergmann | 387 | Costume Designer | | | 491552 | Nicolai, Philipp | Philipp Nicolai | 376 | Designer | | | 491551 | Štorman, Marco | Marco Štorman | 375 | Director | | | 487833 | Evensen, Beret | Beret Evensen | 383 | Dramaturg | | | 429941 | Heine, Beate | Beate Heine | 383 | Dramaturg | | | 426902 | Ibsen, Henrik | Henrik Ibsen | 386 | Playwright | | |
Works | |
Production Nationality | Germany |
Performance language | German |
Further Information | Performance dates: 15 February - 8 July 2008 / 23 September 2008 and 28 February 2009. / Number of performances: 13. / Adaptation for all from the age of 15. Junges schauspielhannover in collaboration with Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hannover. Cast from the latter. |
Event Identifier | 92054 |
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