Event Ellida
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DescriptionTour: / 23.08.2006 - Hajdpark - Teatr Wytwórni, Warszawa (PL). / 23.09.2006 - International Festival of Monodrama, Kiev (UA). / 11.11.2006 - International Festival of Monodrama - Die Pumpe, Kiel (DE). / 17.11.2006 - Festival of Monodrama - Wrostja, Wroclaw (PL).
VenueInternational Festival Of Monodrama - Die Pumpe, Kiel, Germany
First Date11th November 2006
Opening Night18th December 2005
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
  • Web: Ibsen.nb.no
487859Juszkiewicz, JolantaJolanta Juszkiewicz379ActorSolo performance
487859Juszkiewicz, JolantaJolanta Juszkiewicz389Adaptation
487860Gaul, KateKate Gaul387Costume Designer
487860Gaul, KateKate Gaul375Director
487861Panozzo, AlessandraAlessandra Panozzo377Mask MakerHair Dressing
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
487860Gaul, KateKate Gaul381Sound Designer
Première in a TourYes
Tour Première
Other Events in Tour
91030EllidaEllida18417Hajdpark, Teatr WytwórniHajdpark, Teatr Wytwórni2006-08-23
91031EllidaEllida18418International Festival of MonodramaInternational Festival of Monodrama2006-09-23
91032EllidaEllida18419International Festival of Monodrama - Die PumpeInternational Festival of Monodrama - Die Pumpe2006-11-11
91033EllidaEllida18420Festival of Monodrama - WrostjaFestival of Monodrama - Wrostja2006-11-17
Production NationalityAustralia
Performance languageEnglish
Further InformationThe theatre´s description of the production: / An innovative and unique concept of classic text "The Lady from the Sea" fused with some dialect folk tales of Baltic Sea coast finally to be adapted into one voice visualized by the movement. The moving image of half human half ephemeral female body forming a serial of poses imitating a path of marble statues from which the voice comes out. / / The mermaid from the folk tale asks for freedom - not getting it she is forced to stay on the earth to die. Ellida is imprisoned on the Earth and haunted by an apparition of her past - a mysterious man who could be her other self, linking her to The Sea - the environment of her origin. She is like the mermaid calling for freedom and facing death if does not receive it. Surprisingly she gets what she yearns for. The freedom is given to her from deep affection. In return she decides to stay on the earth recognizing the human sense of life, which is the phenomenon of love. / / Solo Etude - Ellida brings the audience to the acceptance of our human condition with its limitations; reflects rare moments of bliss, mystery but also of tranquility. The simplicity of the idea cuts the distance between the audience and protagonists creating the sensation of complicity. / / The emotional view of the universe is the foundation of Kropka Theatre. Each of the stark, simple works is an integral unit of a creative process, which explores the possibility of a theatre where the physical and textual elements have equal importance; and where the lived, emotional world of performer and audience, and the formal, abstract beauty of the piece are in perfect balance.
Event Identifier91032
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