Event Kahn & Klovholt: Ibsen goes Brazil
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DescriptionTour: / 19 and 20 October 2005: BIT Teatergarasjen, Bergen, Norway. / 23, 24 and 25 October 2005: Teaterhuset Avant Garden, Trondheim, Norway. / 29 and 30 October 2005: Black Box Teater (Store scene), Oslo, Norway. / 21 and 22 November 2005: World Performing Arts Festival, Alhamra Cultural Complex, Lahore, Pakistan.
VenuePorto Alegre Em Cena, Tv. Paraíso, 71 - Santa Teresa, Porto Alegre, Brazil
First Date22nd September 2004
Opening Night22nd September 2004
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
  • Web: Ibsen.nb.no
484581Hope, NicholasNicholas Hope379Actor
484580Mubarack, AndréAndré Mubarack379Actor
484583Pirajira, ThiagoThiago Pirajira379Actor
452602Traavik, MortenMorten Traavik379Actor
484579Venturella, LianeLiane Venturella379Actor
484582Zanandréa, Ana PaulaAna Paula Zanandréa379Actor
484585Klovholt, Anne RegineAnne Regine Klovholt389AdaptationEnglish/Norwegian
484584Kahn, CatherineCatherine Kahn376Designer
484585Klovholt, Anne RegineAnne Regine Klovholt376Designer
484584Kahn, CatherineCatherine Kahn375Director
484585Klovholt, Anne RegineAnne Regine Klovholt375Director
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
484586Fagundes, PatriciaPatricia Fagundes378TranslatorPortuguese
Production NationalityBrazil
Performance languageEnglish, Norwegian, Portuguese
Further InformationIn the playbill the production is characterised as an "interpretation of Henrik Ibsen´s ´The Lady from the Sea´". / Concept: Catherine Kahn & Anne Regine Klovholt. / Developed in the Autumn 2004 by Kahn & Klovholt in Porto Alegre in Brazil. Opening night at the festival Porto Alegre em Cena. Co-produced by Teaterhuset Avant Garden.
Event Identifier90220
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