Event |
Speed Hedda - based upon the play "Hedda Gabler" by Henrik Ibsen |
Description | Originally produced in workshop form as part of the ASK Common Grounds Festival, 1998, and at the Evidence Room, Los Angeles. |
Venue | La Mama Experimental Theatre Club, 74 E 4Th St, New York, United States Of America |
First Date | 17th January 2002 |
Opening Night | 17th January 2002 |
Last Date | 3rd February 2002 |
Status | Professional |
Primary Genre | Theatre |
Secondary Genre | |
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Contributors | 479992 | Brey, Mark | Mark Brey | 379 | Actor | Mrs. Hedda Tesman | | 479994 | Dunaway, Tim | Tim Dunaway | 379 | Actor | Miss Juliane Tesman | Aunt Juju | 479994 | Dunaway, Tim | Tim Dunaway | 379 | Actor | Thea Elvsted | | 479996 | Helton, Matthew | Matthew Helton | 379 | Actor | | Man in black | 479997 | Higgins, Jacob | Jacob Higgins | 379 | Actor | | Man in black | 479993 | Navarret, Robert | Robert Navarret | 379 | Actor | Berte | | 433286 | Smith, Jay | Jay Smith | 379 | Actor | Ejlert Lövborg | Eliot Lovborg | 433286 | Smith, Jay | Jay Smith | 379 | Actor | Jörgen Tesman | George | 479995 | Wells, Chris | Chris Wells | 379 | Actor | Judge Brack | Dr. Brock | 479998 | Prior, Robert | Robert Prior | 389 | Adaptation | | | 480000 | Wallenfels, Jessica | Jessica Wallenfels | 385 | Choreographer | | | 479998 | Prior, Robert | Robert Prior | 387 | Costume Designer | | | 479998 | Prior, Robert | Robert Prior | 376 | Designer | | | 479998 | Prior, Robert | Robert Prior | 375 | Director | | | 439012 | Epstein, Josh | Josh Epstein | 380 | Lighting Designer | | | 426902 | Ibsen, Henrik | Henrik Ibsen | 386 | Playwright | | | 479999 | Zalewski, John | John Zalewski | 381 | Sound Designer | | |
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Production Nationality | United States of America |
Performance language | English |
Further Information | Videography: Rush Riddle and Marvin Solomon. / http://www.lamama.org/archives/2001_2002/SpeedHedda.htm |
Event Identifier | 89181 |
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