Event Master Builder
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VenueStorefront For Art And Architecture, 97 Kenmare Street, New York, United States Of America
First DateNovember 1995
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Multimedia
  • Web: ibsen.net
474220DeCamp, KyleKyle DeCamp379ActorHilde Wangel
474222McPherson, CocoCoco McPherson379ActorKnut Brovik
474221Pence, David Jr.David Pence Jr.379ActorDr. Herdal
474221Pence, David Jr.David Pence Jr.379ActorRagnar Brovik
474219Smith, JaneJane Smith379ActorMrs. Aline Solness
474217Webster, JeffJeff Webster379ActorHalvard Solness
474226London, FrankFrank London388Composer
474224Cleater, JohnJohn Cleater376Designer
474223Weems, MarianneMarianne Weems375Director
463075Tipton, JenniferJennifer Tipton380Lighting Designer
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
474228Dobson, DanDan Dobson381Sound Designer
474227Rubin, BenBen Rubin381Sound Designer
474217Webster, JeffJeff Webster381Sound Designer
Production NationalityNorway
Performance languageEnglish
Event Identifier87863
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