Event |
Vrag naroda (An Enemy of the People / Враг народа) |
Description | The performance was dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birthday of K. S. Stanislavski, who staged and starred in a performance of Ibsen's "Ghosts" in 1900. |
Venue | Akademičeskij Malyj Dramatičeskij Teatr – Teatr Evropy (Academic Maly Drama Theatre – Theatre Of Europe / Академический Малый Драматический Театр – Театр Европы), 18 Rubinshteina Street, St. Petersburg, Russia |
First Date | 8th February 2013 |
Status | Professional |
Primary Genre | Theatre |
Source | |
Contributors | 473289 | Chernevich, Igor | Igor Chernevich (Игорь Черневич) | 379 | Actor | Hovstad | | 457170 | Kalinina, Elena | Elena Kalinina | 379 | Actor | Mrs. Katherine Stockmann | | 473290 | Kleopina, Ekaterina | Ekaterina Kleopina (Екатерина Клеопина) | 379 | Actor | Hovstad | | 473288 | Kozyrev, Sergey | Sergey Kozyrev (Сергей Козырев) | 379 | Actor | Morten Kiil | | 473285 | Kuryshev, Sergey | Sergey Kuryshev (Сергей Курышев) | 379 | Actor | Dr. Thomas Stockmann | | 473286 | Tarasova, Ekaterina | Ekaterina Tarasova (Екатерина Тарасова) | 379 | Actor | Petra | | 473287 | Vlasov, Sergey | Sergey Vlasov (Сергей Власов) | 379 | Actor | Peter Stockmann | | 473291 | Zavyalov, Aleksandr | Aleksandr Zavyalov (Aлександр Завьялов) | 379 | Actor | Aslaksen | | 473281 | Dodin, Lev | Lev Dodin (Лев Додин) | 389 | Adaptation | | | 473284 | Purcell, Henry | Henry Purcell | 388 | Composer | | | 473282 | Borovsky, Aleksandr | Aleksandr Borovsky (Александр Боровский) | 376 | Designer | | | 473281 | Dodin, Lev | Lev Dodin (Лев Додин) | 375 | Director | | | 473283 | Ismagilov, Damir | Damir Ismagilov (Дамир Исмагилов) | 380 | Lighting Designer | | | 426902 | Ibsen, Henrik | Henrik Ibsen | 386 | Playwright | | |
Works | |
Production Nationality | Russia |
Performance language | Russian |
Event Identifier | 87075 |
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