Event |
Gillet på Solhaug |
Venue | Nationaltheatret, Johanne Dybwads Plass 1, Oslo, Norway |
First Date | 4th November 1912 |
Last Date | 14th January 1913 |
Status | Professional |
Primary Genre | Theatre |
Secondary Genre | |
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Contributors | 454345 | Ekman, Elsa | Elsa Ekman | 379 | Actor | A girl | | 450604 | Erastoff, Edith | Edith Erastoff | 379 | Actor | Signe | | 450606 | Grönroos, Georg | Georg Grönroos | 379 | Actor | An old man | | 454233 | Lindgren, Carl | Carl Lindgren | 379 | Actor | The king’s messenger | | 442425 | Lindh, Emil | Emil Lindh | 379 | Actor | Bengt Gauteson | | 449413 | Lindroos, Uno | Uno Lindroos | 379 | Actor | First retainer | | 450601 | Precht, John | John Precht | 379 | Actor | Erik of Hægge | | 454344 | Slangus, Axel | Axel Slangus | 379 | Actor | Second retainer | | 454234 | Sundman, Annie | Annie Sundman | 379 | Actor | Margit | | 441682 | Tallroth, Konrad | Konrad Tallroth | 379 | Actor | Gudmund Alfson | | 454343 | Troupp, Paul | Paul Troupp | 379 | Actor | Knut Gjæsling | | 518947 | Afferni, Ugo | Ugo Afferni | 395 | Conductor | | | 427508 | Malmström, Ernst | Ernst Malmström | 375 | Director | | | 426902 | Ibsen, Henrik | Henrik Ibsen | 386 | Playwright | | | 454342 | Procopé, Hjalmar | Hjalmar Procopé | 378 | Translator | | |
Works | |
Production Nationality | Sweden |
Performance language | Swedish |
Further Information | 6 Performances / Music performed by the Helsinki Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Ugo Afferni. Folkteatern played in the Swedish Teaterns premises from 1907 (from 1913 to 1914 concluded Folkteatern in Swedish Theatre under the name Svenska Teaterns Inhemska Compartment). |
Event Identifier | 82855 |
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