Event Rycerze Północy
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VenueTeatr Miejski, Plac Świętego Ducha 1, Krakow, Poland
First Date25th January 1907
Last Date15th March 1910
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
  • Web: Ibsen.net
449890Andruszewski, MarianMarian Andruszewski379ActorGunnar
427181Arkawin, HelenaHelena Arkawin379ActorDagny
449891Bogdański, LeonLeon Bogdański379ActorSon of Örnulf of the Fjords
449892Bronicz, StanisławStanisław Bronicz379ActorSon of Örnulf of the Fjords
449893Mastalski, ZenonZenon Mastalski379ActorSon of Örnulf of the Fjords
448852Miarczyński, WłodzimierzWłodzimierz Miarczyński379ActorOther contributors
441688Mielewski, AndrzejAndrzej Mielewski379ActorSigurd the Strong
449894Nowikci, JózefJózef Nowikci379ActorSon of Örnulf of the Fjords
442681Puchalski, BolesławBolesław Puchalski379ActorOther contributors
441691Senowski, GrzegorzGrzegorz Senowski379ActorSon of Örnulf of the Fjords
427180Solski, LudwikLudwik Solski379ActorÖrnulf of the Fjords
449895Szymborski, WacławWacław Szymborski379ActorSon of Örnulf of the Fjords
449740Węgrzyn, JózefJózef Węgrzyn379ActorThorolf
441689Węgrzyn, MaksymilianMaksymilian Węgrzyn379ActorKaare the Peasant
449044Wysocka, StanisławaStanisława Wysocka379ActorHjördis
449888Tetmajer, WłodzimierzWłodzimierz Tetmajer376Designer
427180Solski, LudwikLudwik Solski375Director
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
449889Wysocki, AlfredAlfred Wysocki378Translator
Production NationalityPoland
Performance languagePolish
Further Information16 Performances - Other performances 1, 2, 5, 7, 11, 14, 17 & 21st February 1907. / 17 & 27th March 1907, 5 April 1907, 5 September 1907, 11 November 1907 & 9 February 1910. / Source: Obecnosc Skandynawów w Polskiej kulturze teatralnej w latach 1876-1918 by Marian Lewko, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski, 1996.
Event Identifier80573
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