Event |
Brand |
Venue | Theater In Der Josefstadt, Josefstädter Straße 26, Vienna, Austria |
First Date | 31st July 1900 |
Last Date | 2nd August 1900 |
Status | Professional |
Primary Genre | Theatre |
Secondary Genre | |
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Contributors | 435597 | Gregori, Ferdinand | Ferdinand Gregori | 379 | Actor | Brand | | 443107 | Levermann, Paula | Paula Levermann | 379 | Actor | A woman | | 427222 | Reinhardt, Max | Max Reinhardt | 379 | Actor | The dean | | 443106 | Rotter, Ferdinand | Ferdinand Rotter | 379 | Actor | A peasant | | 442590 | Thurner, Leopold | Leopold Thurner | 379 | Actor | The mayor | | 443104 | Wagner, Oskar | Oskar Wagner | 379 | Actor | The doctor | | 443105 | Walter, Felix | Felix Walter | 379 | Actor | A man | | 437651 | Werner, Agnes | Agnes Werner | 379 | Actor | Brand's mother | | 443103 | Wulff, Marianne | Marianne Wulff | 379 | Actor | Agnes | | 443102 | Loewenfeld, Raphael | Raphael Loewenfeld | 389 | Adaptation | | | 426902 | Ibsen, Henrik | Henrik Ibsen | 386 | Playwright | | | 442584 | Passarge, Ludwig | Ludwig Passarge | 378 | Translator | | |
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Production Nationality | Germany |
Performance language | German |
Further Information | 3 Performances / Guest performance by Ensemble Berlin. It is believed that the production also played in Berlin, but this has not been verified. / Sources: Neue Freie Presse 31 July and 1 August 1900 and the Wiener Zeitung of 31 July and 1 August 1900. |
Event Identifier | 79113 |
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