Event Gurrya ka Ghar
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DescriptionBased on Henrik Ibsen´s A Doll´s House. / Opening at Ibsen in South Asia Theatre Festival in Alhamra Hall No. 2 in Lahore on 23 April 2006. Performed at Arts Council Theatre in Karachi 15 - 19 February 2007. / Tour: / 20. november 2009: National Theatre, Shilpakala Academy, International Ibsen Seminar and Theatre Festival, Dhaka, Bangladesh. / 4 and 5 December 2012: Delhi Ibsen Festival, New Delhi, India.
VenueAlhamra Hall No. 2, The Mall, Lahore, Pakistan
First Date23rd April 2006
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
  • Web: Ibsen.net
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428532Chao, ManiMani Chao379ActorStage Hand 1
429145Faruqi, MahvashMahvash Faruqi379ActorTehmina Murad
429872Hasan, SaifeSaife Hasan379ActorMurad
430600Kermani, SheemaSheema Kermani379ActorSakina
431587Meraj, SalimSalim Meraj379ActorSalim
431815Mundrawala, AsmaAsma Mundrawala379ActorStage Hand 2
430320Jafri, AnwerAnwer Jafri389Adaptation
431777Mufti, UnsUns Mufti388Composer
430320Jafri, AnwerAnwer Jafri376Designer
430320Jafri, AnwerAnwer Jafri375Director
430320Jafri, AnwerAnwer Jafri380Lighting Designer
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
Production NationalityPakistan
Performance languageUrdu
Further Informationnt / 962 / Director's Notes: Although remaining true to the theme and the manner in which the plot unfolds in Henrik Ibsen's 'A Doll´s House', Gurrya ka Ghar is more than an adaptation. The difference in moral values of 19th century Europe and those of present day Pakistan necessitated major departures from the original. It is thus, an exercise in 'contemporising' a classic play,both in content and form without straying away from Ibsen's ‘naturalism´. / To do away with the scenery and sets, which I considered superfluous, and still remain in the realm of ‘realism´, I opted to present the play in the setting of a ‘rehearsal of a play´. Having arrived at this premise, I made use of all possibilities that came naturally, such as interventions of stage hands, the prologue and the ending after the ‘rehearsal´.
Event Identifier77324
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