Event A Doll's House
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DescriptionThe production was a part of "Zebra Crossing": "a diverse choice of new work, performance, poetry, music, and masterclasses from the new wave of Black British creators and performers".
VenueYoung Vic Studio, 66 The Cut, London, England
First Date19th February 1996
Opening Night19th February 1996
Last Date30th March 1996
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
  • Web: Ibsen.net
428490Carson, SilasSilas Carson379ActorNils Krogstad
428716Cusack, CatherineCatherine Cusack379ActorMrs. Kristine Linde
429476Gilchrist, GillyGilly Gilchrist379ActorTorvald Helmer
429534Gonslaves, AileenAileen Gonslaves379ActorNora
431340Maguire, EamonEamon Maguire379ActorDr. Rank
433348Sparrow, MarkMark Sparrow389Adaptation
427830Balaratnam, ShobanaShobana Balaratnam385Choreographer
432777Rubasingham, IndhuIndhu Rubasingham375Director
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
431211Lloyd, DanDan Lloyd381Sound Designer
Production NationalityEngland
Performance languageEnglish
Further Informationnt / 1417 / The production was a part of ""Zebra Crossing"": ""a diverse choice of new work". performance. poetry. music." and masterclasses from the new wave of Black British creators and performers"".
Event Identifier77145
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