Event Misoginia & Spoilers
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DescriptionThis play is a comedy written to dismantle Henrik Ibsen while also bringing the audience closer to him. A constant in the works of Ibsen are female characters trapped in suffocating relationships, women locked in intimate and perverse hierarchies where men exercise power, a power aimed at control and in its most violent manifestation, destruction. For this event, the Canadian playwright José Padilla has written a new comedy based Hedda Gabler, where the protagonist, Hedda Tesman, lives trapped in a marriage with a man she does not love. Misogyny & Spoilers is a review of the conflicts and questions raised by this text, a direct and powerful comedy about meanness, hidden strategies, snobbery, misogyny and human beings' desire for popularity.
VenueTeatro Gayarre, Avda. Carlos Iii, Nº 3, 31002 Pamplona, Spain
First Date8th November 2024
Opening Night8th November 2024
Last Date8th November 2024
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Derivative work
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530746García Úriz, TxoriTxori García Úriz379ActorJörgen Tesman
530745Ruiz, LeireLeire Ruiz379ActorMrs. Hedda Tesman
530748Úriz, Iratxe GarcíaIratxe García Úriz379Actor
530747Zuñiga, OierOier Zuñiga379Actor
530744Padilla, JoséJosé Padilla375Director
530744Padilla, JoséJosé Padilla386Playwright
530749Arraiza, RaúlRaúl Arraiza402Set Designer
Production NationalitySpain
Performance languageBasque, Spanish
Event Identifier102638
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