Event |
Misoginia & Spoilers |
Description | This play is a comedy written to dismantle Henrik Ibsen while also bringing the audience closer to him. A constant in the works of Ibsen are female characters trapped in suffocating relationships, women locked in intimate and perverse hierarchies where men exercise power, a power aimed at control and in its most violent manifestation, destruction. For this event, the Canadian playwright José Padilla has written a new comedy based Hedda Gabler, where the protagonist, Hedda Tesman, lives trapped in a marriage with a man she does not love. Misogyny & Spoilers is a review of the conflicts and questions raised by this text, a direct and powerful comedy about meanness, hidden strategies, snobbery, misogyny and human beings' desire for popularity. |
Venue | Teatro Gayarre, Avda. Carlos Iii, Nº 3, 31002 Pamplona, Spain |
First Date | 8th November 2024 |
Opening Night | 8th November 2024 |
Last Date | 8th November 2024 |
Status | Professional |
Primary Genre | Theatre |
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Production Nationality | Spain |
Performance language | Basque, Spanish |
Event Identifier | 102638 |
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