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DescriptionDirector Olga Grzelak about the play: "Ibsen's GHOSTS is a thoroughly up-to-date text, despite being over a hundred years old. I am particularly interested in the subject of people's entanglement in the past of their own ancestors, which cannot be easily dealt with, which escapes the control of those who have inherited it. This past haunts subsequent generations, whose tragedy is the simultaneous desire and inability to break the chain of ghoulish dependencies. Together with the co-producers and the acting team, we free GHOSTS from the rigid naturalistic convention and inscribe Ibsen's world in magical realism." The performance is co-financed by the Stanisław Wyspiański Academy of Theatre Arts in Kraków as part of the Start Fund program.
VenueTeatr Wybrzeże, Świętego Ducha 2, Gdańsk, Poland
First Date11th March 2022
Date EstimatedYes
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
MovingImage: Performance RecordingLink to Resource
Text: PosterLink to Resource
530441Brajner, MałgorzataMałgorzata Brajner379ActorMrs. Helene Alving
487081Konopiński, MaciejMaciej Konopiński379ActorPastor Manders
530443Labijak, JacekJacek Labijak379ActorOsvald Alving
530442Otrębski , GrzegorzGrzegorz Otrębski379ActorOsvald Alving
530444Woźnicka, AgataAgata Woźnicka379ActorRegine Engstrand
530446Oramusc, AnnaAnna Oramusc387Costume Designer
530445Grzelak, OlgaOlga Grzelak375Director
530448Schubert, KlaudynaKlaudyna Schubert380Lighting Designer
530449Kanabaj, MajaMaja Kanabaj377Mask Maker
530447Konieczny, AndrzejAndrzej Konieczny391Musical Director
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
431404Marciniakówna, AnnaAnna Marciniakówna378Translator
Production NationalityPoland
Performance languagePolish
Event Identifier102603
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