Event Peer Gynt
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DescriptionThrough the tribulations of the main character, the incarnation of the anti-hero, Peer Gynt is first and foremost the story of a journey through space and time, from north to south, from youth to maturity. In this original staging, Olivier Py emphasizes the initiatory nature of a pilgrimage to the hilt where Peer Gynt, wanting to put the Trolls' motto to the test, begins a long wandering. Leaving his native country, he took the winding paths that led him to preach in the desert, travelling through the South to better understand, on his return to Norway, the emptiness of his own existence.
VenueThéâtre Du Châtelet, 2 Rue Edouard Colonne, 75001 Paris, France
First Date7th March 2025
Last Date16th March 2025
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
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530952Bourgoin, ClémentineClémentine Bourgoin379Actor
530960Brunet, Pierre-AntoinePierre-Antoine Brunet379Actor
530951Camarinha, RaquelRaquel Camarinha379Actor
460632Chéenne, CélineCéline Chéenne379Actor
530955Damien Bigourdan, DamienDamien Damien Bigourdan379Actor
530950de Roffignac, BertrandBertrand de Roffignac379Actor
530954Diard-Detoeuf, EmilienEmilien Diard-Detoeuf379Actor
530959Lebas, JustineJustine Lebas379Actor
530956Lebon, PierrePierre Lebon379Actor
530957Marc Labonnette, MarcMarc Marc Labonnette379Actor
530953Peyramaure, LucieLucie Peyramaure379Actor
530958Tachdjian, SevagSevag Tachdjian379Actor
530414Py, OlivierOlivier Py389Adaptation
427079Grieg, EdvardEdvard Grieg388Composer
460625Weitz, Pierre-AndréPierre-André Weitz387Costume Designer
530416Killy, BertrandBertrand Killy380Lighting Designer
530415Tali, AnuAnu Tali391Musical Director
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
Production NationalityFrance
Performance languageFrench
Event Identifier102589
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