Event Casa de muñecas
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DescriptionHow would Nora slam her famous door in A Doll's House in 2024, one hundred and fifty years after the premiere of Ibsen's famous drama in Oslo? Why return to Nora's well-known slamming of the door? Why was the play revived on Broadway in 2023, starring Jessica Chastain? Something will continue to stir our consciences when we return to the iconic slamming of the door, which symbolises the birth of women's independence from men's dominance in family and romantic relationships. Of course, Western society has changed in a century and a half. But perhaps not enough. We still maintain roles and stereotypes that prevent women from developing professionally and personally on an equal footing with men. We have imagined what Nora's life and concerns would be like in 2024, what would lead her to abandon her family: a woman who needs to make up for the time spent caring for her sick husband and children in order to care for herself, studying and working.
VenueAuditorio Y Palacio De Congresos El Batel, Cartagena, Spain
First Date7th November 2024
Opening Night7th November 2024
Last Date7th November 2024
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
StillImage: PhotographLink to Resource
Text: PosterLink to Resource
530323Bruni, AlejandroAlejandro Bruni379ActorDr. Rank
530322Freytez, PatxiPatxi Freytez379ActorNils Krogstad
530324Gracia, PepaPepa Gracia379ActorMrs. Kristine Linde
530320Leon, MariaMaria Leon379ActorNora
530321Marin , SantiSanti Marin379ActorTorvald Helmer
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
Tour Première
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Production NationalitySpain
Performance languageSpanish
Event Identifier102568
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