Event Hedda Gabler
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DescriptionIn Hedda Gabler, Henrik Ibsen created one of the most fascinating heroines of the stage. Newly married to a man she finds uninteresting, Hedda becomes reacquainted with an old friend, a historian like her husband, with a fatal flaw that Hedda exploits out of jealousy. Ibsen, thought to be the father of modern drama, brings all of his skill to the character of Hedda, building an intricate psychological portrait of a woman out of step with her surroundings. The production will be directed by Molly Atkinson, who has been directing at the Shaw Festival for several years, with productions including this season's Prince Caspian, as well as A Christmas Carol, The Tortoise and the Hare, Middletown and Saint Joan. She was a member of the Stratford Festival acting company in 2000 as well as a member of the Birmingham Conservatory.
VenueAvon Theatre Stage, 99 Downie St., Stratford, Canada
First Date25th April 2024
Opening Night25th April 2024
Last Date28th September 2024
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
528262Aiyeola, BolaBola Aiyeola379ActorMiss Juliane Tesman
528263Crichton, JoellaJoella Crichton379ActorThea Elvsted
528267Edwards-Crewe, AllisonAllison Edwards-Crewe379Actor
528268Hall, JordinJordin Hall379Actor
528261Hodder, BradBrad Hodder379ActorEjlert Lövborg
528269Horsman, KimKim Horsman379Actor
528270Laboucane, JosueJosue Laboucane379Actor
485824McCamus, TomTom McCamus379ActorJudge Brack
438150Miller, Gordon S.Gordon S. Miller379ActorJörgen Tesman
528271Rider-Shaw, JenniferJennifer Rider-Shaw379Actor
528272Savage, TyroneTyrone Savage379Actor
499088Topham, SaraSara Topham379ActorMrs. Hedda Tesman
528266Cuttler, MishelleMishelle Cuttler388Composer
465532Savoini, LorenzoLorenzo Savoini387Costume Designer
528264Atkinson, MollyMolly Atkinson375Director
528265Krysztofiak, KaileighKaileigh Krysztofiak380Lighting Designer
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
Production NationalityEngland
Performance languageEnglish
Event Identifier101990
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