Event Vernuvšiesâ: Inaâ real'nost' (Returned: Another reality / Вернувшиеся: Иная реальность)
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DescriptionImmersive performance. Show based on “Ghosts. The action takes place simultaneously in all spaces of the four-story mansion. The viewer becomes an active observer with complete freedom of movement, free to choose his own path, create a unique story and, with each new visit to the Alving Family House, rethink what is happening through the prism of constantly changing personal experience. Professional actors working using special techniques, recreated interiors of the early 20th century, saturated with a huge number of significant details, aromas, light and sound design - all this creates a different reality inside the House, in the atmosphere of which the action takes place. The guest has the opportunity to completely immerse himself in what is happening.
VenueDashkov 5 (Дашков 5), Dashkov Pereoulok 5, Moscow, Russia
First Date1st December 2022
Date EstimatedYes
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Interactive
MovingImage: Promo videoLink to Resource
StillImage: PhotographLink to Resource
StillImage: PhotographLink to Resource
527856Asmus, Kristina IgorevnaKristina Igorevna Asmus (Кристи́на И́горевна А́смус)379Actor
509783Evdokimov, RomanRoman Evdokimov379Actor
527861Khalilulaev, AnvarAnvar Khalilulaev (Анвара Халилулаева)379Actor
527857Moroz, Darya YurievnaDarya Yurievna Moroz (Да́рья Ю́рьевна Моро́з)379Actor
527859Nagiev, KirillKirill Nagiev (Кирилла Нагиева)379Actor
527860Shakira, ElizavetaElizaveta Shakira (Елизавету Шакиру)379Actor
527858Shkirando, ValeriyaValeriya Shkirando (Валерию Шкирандо)379Actor
509771Karpenko, AlekseyAleksey Karpenko385Choreographer
509812, MigelMigel (Мигелю)375Director
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
Production NationalityRussia
Performance languageRussian
Event Identifier101864
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