Event Dikaâ utka (Wild Duck / Дикая утка)
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DescriptionThe son of a major businessman, Gregers Werle returns to his hometown after a long absence, quarrels with his father and goes to live with the family of his old friend, photographer Hjalmar Ekdal. Gregers seeks to deal with his own past and at the same time to expose the lies in which, through the fault of his father, the Ekdal family was immersed. He is sure that he is doing a noble cause, but the result, instead of a new, honest relationship, is a tragedy. In the interpretation of Timofey Kulyabin, the play will retain its main meaning, but the action will be moved to the present, and Ibsen's text will be significantly revised.
VenueKrasnyj Fakel (Red Torch / Красный Факел), Ulitsa Lenina, 19, Novosibirsk, Russia
First Date18th December 2021
Opening Night18th December 2021
Last Date19th December 2021
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
StillImage: PhotographLink to Resource
StillImage: PhotographLink to Resource
StillImage: PhotographLink to Resource
StillImage: PhotographLink to Resource
527667Chernykh, AndreyAndrey Chernykh (Андрей Черных)379ActorHaakon Werle
527666Drozdov, AlexanderAlexander Drozdov (Александр Дроздов)379ActorRelling
527671Kazantsev, DenisDenis Kazantsev (Денис Казанцев)379ActorMartin Berg
482827Krivonos, IrinaIrina Krivonos379ActorGina Ekdal
527670Lemeshonok, VladimirVladimir Lemeshonok (Владимир Лемешонок)379ActorHerbert Berg
527673Osokin, EvgenyEvgeny Osokin (Евгений Осокин)379ActorSecurity
527672Pleshkan, AnastasiaAnastasia Pleshkan (Анастасия Плешкань)379ActorHilda
527669Polyakov, PavelPavel Polyakov (Томас Верле)379ActorThomas Werle
527668Zhdanova, ElenaElena Zhdanova (Елена Жданова)379ActorBertha Gross
527664Yarushkina, NatalyaNatalya Yarushkina (Наталья Ярушкина)397Assistant Director
527818Kulyabin, Timofey AleksandrovichTimofey Aleksandrovich Kulyabin (Тимофей Александрович Кулябин)375Director
527819Fedyanina, OlgaOlga Fedyanina383Dramaturg
527662Mikhalevsky, TarasTaras Mikhalevsky (Тарас Михалевский)380Lighting Designer
527822Burtsev, VladimirVladimir Burtsev401Photographer
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
527661Golovko, OlgaOlga Golovko (Олег Головко)402Set Designer
527663Pastukhov, TimofeyTimofey Pastukhov (Тимофей Пастухов)381Sound Designer
527665Zhuravleva, AnastasiaAnastasia Zhuravleva (Анастасия Журавлева)398Video Designer
Production NationalityRussia
Performance languageRussian
Event Identifier101835
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