Event Il était une fois à Gyntiana
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DescriptionOnce upon a time... Peer. A young man with a heavy soul, yet his head and heart are still filled with dreams. One night, when he can't sleep, he sets off with Wilson, his best companion, on a long journey. Encountering wonderful characters, they come face to face with their own fears, doubts, anger and hopes. It's a great voyage of initiation, an intimate story about discovering oneself, others, and the world. Growing up is scary, this Peer understands. But do we stop being children when we grow up? Do we have to say goodbye to the child we once were in order to grow up? When is childhood forgotten? Is it still possible to dream? And above all, do we really want to grow up in the world we live in?
VenueThéâtre 13, 30 Rue Du Chevarelet, Paris, France
First Date16th June 2023
Last Date17th June 2023
Primary GenreTheatre
527253Côte, LaurenceLaurence Côte379Actor
527254Gleizes, MaximeMaxime Gleizes379Actor
527255Granberger, AxelAxel Granberger379Actor
527256Noël, RoseRose Noël379Actor
527257Stanic, AnnaAnna Stanic379Actor
527262Yepes, MarianaMariana Yepes385Choreographer
527261Robin, CloéCloé Robin387Costume Designer
527256Noël, RoseRose Noël375Director
527259Cescatti, EnzoEnzo Cescatti380Lighting Designer
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
527258Juillard, MathildeMathilde Juillard402Set Designer
527260Esnault, MateoMateo Esnault381Sound Designer
Production NationalityFrance
Performance languageFrench
Event Identifier101735
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