Event Mali bokeshoshe (A Doll's House / ماڵی بووکە شووشە)
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Venueئەکادیمیای هونەرە جوانەکانی هەولێر Erbil - University Of Fine Arts (Akadimiay Hunerejwanekany Hawler), المعارض, Erbil / Hawler, Iraq
First Date11th May 2016
Opening Night11th May 2016
Last Date20th May 2016
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Derivative work
519871Mohamad Faqe, GoranGoran Mohamad Faqe389Adaptation
519872Aljaf, SerwanSerwan Aljaf387Costume Designer
519870Aziz, ShirazShiraz Aziz376Designer
519868Hama Saed, ShwanShwan Hama Saed375Director
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
519850Tahir, TaimorTaimor Tahir378Translator
Production NationalityIraq
Performance languageKurdish
Further InformationSources: Rezan Saleh made An interview with the director of the play.
Event Identifier100039
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