Contributor Nikos Velmos
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Events, Date
Event Name
First Date
82888Vrykolakes (Ghosts / Βρυκόλακες)Theatro Enten6th January 1914ActorPastor Manders
82887Vrykolakes (Ghosts / Βρυκόλακες)Theatro Polytheama17th October 1913ActorPastor Manders
82846Vrykolakes (Ghosts / Βρυκόλακες)Theatro Polytheama (Polytheama theater / θέατρο Πολυθέαμα)11th February 1913ActorPastor Manders
82836I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια)Theatro Polytheama (Polytheama theater / θέατρο Πολυθέαμα)6th February 1913ActorGregers Werle
82834I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια)Aithousa Xrysostomos (Αίθουσα Χρυσόστομος)2nd November 1912ActorGregers Werle
82845Vrykolakes (Ghosts / Βρυκόλακες)Theatro Etoual14th October 1912ActorPastor Manders
82833I agriopapia (The Wild Duck / Η αγριόπαπια)Aithousa Anaplaseos (Αίθουσα Αναπλάσεως)5th September 1912ActorHaakon Werle
82819Vrykolakes (Ghosts / Βρυκόλακες)Theatro Malliaropouleion (Malliaropoulio Theater / Μαλλιαροπούλειο Θέατρο Τρίπολης)28th March 1912ActorJacob Engstrand
80780Nora (Nora / Νόρα)Theatro Foskolos (Foskolos theater / θέατρο Φώσκολος)27th January 1909ActorNils Krogstad
80708Rosmerscholm (Rosmersholm / Ρόσμερσχολμ)Dimotiko Theatro Samou (Municipal Theater of Samos / Δημοτικό Θέατρο Σάμου)22nd January 1908ActorPeter Mortensgaard
Contributor Identifier450054
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