Name_SORTNameAddressFirstDate_SORTLastDate_SORTEvent DatesEvents Resources
Young Vic Main StageEngland, London, 66 The Cut   
YamanashiJapan, Yamanashi   
Young Vic StudioEngland, London, 66 The Cut   
Yamanashi kenritsu kenmin bunka hōru (Yamanashi ken) (Yamanashi Prefectural Cultural Hall)Japan, Yamanashi, 26-1 Kotobukichō, Kofu, Yamanashi 400-0033, Japan20101 
Y FfwrnesWales, Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, Park Street20141 
Yue-Kong Pao Hall of Visual and Performing ArtsUnited States of America, West Lafayette, 552 W Wood St20091 
YoungstownUnited States of America, Youngstown19031 
YspertalAustria, Yspertal20101 
Y.M.C.A.United States of America, Los Angeles19091 
YoutubeUnited States of America20201 
Young Auditorium, University of WisconsinUnited States of America, Whitewater, 930 W Main St20101 
YugoslaviaCroatia, Yugoslavia19751 
YUG TheatreAzerbaijan, Baku, 131 Neftchilar Ave20191 
Yūbin chokin hōru (Yubin Chokin Hall)Japan, Osaka, Osaka19711 
Yihai Juchang (Yihai Theatre)China, Shanghai, No.466 Jiangning Road, Jing'an District20061 
Ytre Vinje SamfunnshusNorway, Åmot i Vinje19711 
Yokohama Shinkō futō (Yokohama Shinko Pier)Japan, Yokohama20061 
Ystads TeaterSweden, Ystad, Sjömansgatan 1320101 
Teatro Yves MontandItaly, Monsummano Terme, Piazza del Popolo, 9720171 
YENED TV ChannelGreece19771 
Y.M.C.A.United States of America, Eugene19121 
YstadSweden, Ystad19361 
Yale School of DramaUnited States of America, New Haven, 222 York St1981–20202 
Ye Liberty PlayhouseUnited States of America, Oakland1905–19062 
YrjarshallNorway, Brekstad1956–19592 
Yale University, Whitney Humanities CenterUnited States of America, New Haven, 53 Wall St1989–20032 
Yūmeina ko gekijō (Meien Little Theatre)Japan, Nagoya1983–19873 
Young Centre - Baillie TheatreCanada, Toronto, 50 Tank House Lane2007–20163 
York Theatre RoyalEngland, York, St Leonard's Place1908–20136 
Ytterboe auditoriumUnited States of America, Northfield, St. Olaf College studenter1931–19426 
Yvonne Arnaud TheatreEngland, Guildford, Millbrook1982–20189 
The Young VicEngland, London, 66 The Cut Waterloo1986–20209 
Yǒu lèzuò (Yurakuza Theatre)Japan, Tokyo, Yurakucho 2-2-3, New Tokyo Building1909–194610 
Yale Repertory Theatre, University TheatreUnited States of America, New Haven, 1120 Chapel Street1928–201711