Name_SORTNameAddressFirstDate_SORTLastDate_SORTEvent DatesEventsResources
Divadlo pod PalmovkouCzech Republic, Prague, Zenklova 566/341993–20162 
Divadlo Petra BezručeCzech Republic, Ostrava, 28. října 1701/1201984–20135 
Dōngyuàn Xìlóu (Beijing Dongdan Theatre)China, Beijing19561 
DanderydSweden, Danderyd   
Drangedal ungdomsskoleNorway, Drangedal, Drangedal20041 
Drayton Court TheatreEngland, London, 2 The Avenue19971 
Die BÖRSEGermany, Wuppertal, Wolkenburg 10020061 
Dana Arts Center, Colgate UniversityUnited States of America, Hamilton19681 
Det Vestnorske TeateretNorway, Bergen, Teatergaten 3520221 
Davidson TheatreUnited States of America, Fort Scott19091 
Dachsen ZHSwitzerland20021 
Dom kulture na Mišaru (House of Culture in Mišar)Serbia, Misar, Karadjordjeva 7520221 
Dōngfāng Xiānfēng Jùchǎng (Oriental Pioneer Theater)China, Beijing, No 8-2 Dongdan Santiao20061 
Dover Town HallEngland, Dover, Biggin Street18971 
Divadlo Na hradbáchCzech Republic, Brno19331 
Dimotiko Theatro Naousas (Municipal Theatre of Naoussa)Greece, Naousa19851 
Drama TheatreAustralia, Sydney, Sydney Opera House, Bennelong Point1975–19843 
The Drama Studio at St. Olaf CollegeUnited States of America, Northfield, 1520 St Olaf Ave19511 
DansescenenDenmark, Copenhagen, Pasteursvej 2020011 
Teatr DolnośląskiPoland, Jelenia Góra19741 
Dania HallUnited States of America, Minneapolis19051 
Derthick Opera HouseUnited States of America, Belvidere19041 
Darkhorse TheaterUnited States of America, Nashville, 4610 Charlotte Ave20031 
Di.Pe.Thee. Agriniou (Municipal Theater of Agrinio)Greece, Agrinio20241 
Deutsches SchauspielhausGermany, Hamburg, Kirchenallee 391901–201853 
Dandenong Ranges Community Cultural CentreAustralia, Upwey, 351 Glenfern Road20012 
Dramatično društvo LjubljanaSlovenia, Ljubljana18921 
Dramatischer Verein St. MoritzSwitzerland, St. Moritz19281 
Divadlo v ŘeznickéCzech Republic, Prague, Řeznická 662/17, 110 00 Praha 1-Nové Město, Tsjekkia1990–19952 
Dramteatr imeni A. PuškinaRussia, Krasnojarsk, Mira Ave, 7319401 
Dimotiko Theatro Rodou (Municipal Theater of Rhodes)Greece, Rhodes, 1, Eleftherias Square20111 
Divadlo v CeletnéCzech Republic, Prague, Celetná 595/172010–20123 
Dimotiko Theatro KalamatasGreece, Messinias, Dimosthenous 2, Kalamata,1985–19912 
Dillard TheatreUnited States of America, Lynchburg, 1501 Lakeside Drive20051 
de SchouwNetherlands, Uden19891 
The Diss Corn HallEngland, Diss, 10 St. Nicholas Street20101 
Divadelní studio JAMUCzech Republic, Brno, Bayerova 51956–20133 
DR TV (Danish Television)Denmark1967–200012 
Deutsches HausGermany, Flensburg19481 
Dabney Lounge, California Institute of TechnologyUnited States of America, Pasadena, 1200 E California Blvd20011 
DessauGermany, Dessau   
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