Name_SORTNameEvent DatesEvents Resources
New York Shakespeare Festival1969 – 19753 
New York Classical Theatre2017 – 20192 
Nhà hát tuổ;i trẻ (Nhà hát tuổi trẻ)2006 – 20102 
Neues Theater Berlin (Neues Theater in Berlin (Gastspiel))18972 
NRK TV198421
New Heritage Theatre Group2017 – 20192 
Nagoya Players1987 – 19902 
Neues Theater19102 
N.V. Tooneelvereeniging19162 
Nordstrand videregående skole19942 
The Next Theatre Company20012 
NRK Drama20012 
NO LIMITS Theaterfestival2009 – 20152 
New South Wales Government1976 – 19892 
Norwegian Ibsen Company2023 – 20242 
Nadderud Teatergruppe 19941 
Nordisk allkunst20091 
New Repertory Theatre20111 
New Fortune Theatre20231 
New European Theatre International Festival20041 
Nordic Black Express20051 
The NoVa Woodbridge Theatre Group20061 
NRK Klassisk20011 
Nordic Cool 201320131 
Niagara University Theatre20251 
No Limits Theatre20041 
Nordwind Festival20091 
Nuovo Teatro dell'Aglio20031 
Ng'ombe PTA School Dance Troupe20101 
NRK Kringkastingsorkestret19941 
Norsk Amatørteaterfestival20091 
National Theatre of Macedonia20221 
The National Theatre in Cairo20061 
New Stage Repertory Company1983 – 19841 
Nieuw Nederlandsch Tooneelgezelschap18941 
Den Norske Ballettskolen20101 
Nashville Shakespeare Festival20001 
Norwegian Opera and Ballet20101 
Nazimova Productions19221 
Núcleo de Imersão Teatral20241 
Northern State University20041 
Neos Logos. 1 
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