Name_SORTNameFirstDate_SORTFirst DateVenue_SORTVenueCountry Resources
An Enemy of the People21st March 1980Comprehensive SchoolIreland 
An Enemy of the People24th March 1980Golden GrillIreland 
An Enemy of the People7th April 1980Oscar TheatreIreland 
An Enemy of the People 1980 Ireland Tour29th January 1980IrelandIreland 
An Enemy of the People4th March 2019CMWS Hall KildareIreland 
An Enemy of the People7th June 2019The Moat TheatreIreland 
Eiolf HaKatan (Little Eyolf / איולף הקטן)24th January 2009Heichal HaTarbut (Arison Theatre)Israel 
Edda Gabler1st January 1956Teatro ComunaleItaly 
Edda Gabler21st January 1956Teatro CarignanoItaly 
Edda Gabler17th May 2016Teatro 13Italy1
An Enemy of the People29th November 2018Shiatākokūn (Theatre Cocoon, Bunkamura)Japan 
An Enemy of the People27th December 2018Morinomiya pirotihōru (Morinomiya Piloti Hall)Japan 
An Enemy of the People16th April 2005The Phoenix PlayersKenya 
Enemy of the People23rd September 2013Teatri OdaKosovo 
Eijolfiņš4th May 1982Valmieras teātrisLatvia 
Un ennemi du peuple7th February 2003Théâtre des CapucinsLuxembourg 
Un Ennemi du peuple15th January 2020Grand Théâtre de la Ville de LuxembourgLuxembourg 
Enemy of the People21st September 2013Mladinski Kulturen Centar (MKC) (Youth Cultural Center Skopje)Macedonia 
Naroden nepriatel (An Enemy of the People)9th May 2022Makedonski Naroden Teatar (Macedonian National Theatre)Macedonia 
Народен Непријател (Naroden Neprijatel)8th October 1983Teatar Anton PanovMacedonia 
Armiku i Popullit/Народен Непријател (Naroden Neprijatel)15th October 2022National Theatre of Tetovo (Teatri I Tetovës/Народен Театар во Тетово)Macedonia 
Непријател на Народот (Neprijatel na Narodot)13th April 1969National Theatre of Štip (Народен Театар Штип)Macedonia 
Доктор Стокман-Народен Непријател (Doktor Stokman-Naroden Neprijatel)4th April 1970National Albanian Theatre in Skopje (Албански театар во Скопје/Teatri Shqiptar)Macedonia 
Народен Непријател (Naroden Neprijatel)24th December 2017Kino Kultura (Кино Култура)Macedonia 
Народен Непријател/Народњи Непријатељ (Naroden Neprijatel)1923Makedonski Naroden Teatar (Macedonian National Theatre)Macedonia 
Espectros (Spettri)22nd November 1909Teatro ArbeuMexico 
Un Enemigo del pueblo6th September 1974MexicoMexico 
Espectros15th November 1929Teatro PrincipalMexico 
Un Enemigo en el pueblo16th October 1984Teatro del LegariaMexico 
Espectros16th November 1995Teatro Carlos LazoMexico 
Espectros16th November 2005Teatro Carlos LazoMexico 
Un enemigo del pueblo10th July 2006Foro Contigo AméricaMexico 
Espectros24th August 2006Teatro Carlos LazoMexico 
Espectros17th May 1962Teatro Sala ChopinMexico 
Un Enemigo del pueblo22nd September 1961Teatro Orientatión at Centro Cultural del BosqueMexico 
Un Enemigo del pueblo6th July 1956Teatro del Sindicato Mexicano de ElectricistasMexico 
Espectros14th October 1932Teatro HidalgoMexico 
Espectros18th March 1943Teatro del Sindicato Mexicano de ElectricistasMexico 
Espectros14th May 1946Palacio de Bellas ArtesMexico 
Un Enemigo del pueblo16th September 1975Teatro del IMSSMexico 
Espectros21st October 1981Teatro Julio PrietoMexico 
Un Enemigo del pueblo23rd January 1992Teatro OcampoMexico