Venue Teatrul Mic
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AddressStr. Constantin Mille, Nr. 16, Bucureşti, Romania
NotesThe theatre was previously known under several names. Founded in 1914, the theatre takes the name of a very known actress, "Maria Filotti". From 1950 to 1955, the theatre is known as "Studioul Actorului de Film "Constantin Nottara", while from 1955 it name becomes simply "Teatrul "C. Nottara". In 1960, its name changes radically to "Teatrul pentru Tineret şi Copii" (Theatre for children and youth), being followed by another final change of name in 1964, to the present name of "Teatrul Mic" (The Small Theatre).
Latitude | Longitude44.4356568 , 26.095361700000012
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    Venue Identifier18395
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