Organisation Chichester Festival Theatre
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AddressOaklands Park, Chichester, West Sussex, England
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  • Presenting Company
  • Production Company
Function, Event, Venue, Date
    • Presenting Company, A Doll's House, Minerva Theatre, Chichester, West Sussex, England, 2nd June 1994
    • Production Company, Hedda Gabler, Minerva Theatre, Chichester, West Sussex, England, 31st July 1996
    • Production Company, Hedda Gabler, Malvern Theatres - Festival Theatre, Malvern, Worcestershire, England, 26th August 1996
    • Production Company, Hedda Gabler, Richmond Theatre, Richmond, England, 2nd September 1996
    • Production Company, The Master Builder, Minerva Theatre, Chichester, West Sussex, England, 9th September 2010
    • Production Company, Hedda Tesman, Minerva Theatre, Chichester, West Sussex, England, 30th August 2019
    • Production Company, Hedda Tesman, Lowry Centre, Salford Quays, England, 3rd October 2019
Organisation Identifier34439
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