Event Vildanden
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Description1884/85: 10 performances; 1885/86: 3 performances; 1891/92: 8 performances; 1894/95: 6 performances; 1897/98: 9 performances; 1900/01: 2 Act 1 performance; 1902/03: 9 performances; 1903/04: 3 performances; 1905/06: 4 performances; 1906/07: 4 performances; 1907/08: 2 performances; 1909/10: 3 performances; 1910/11: 3 performances; 1912/13: 1 performance; 1916/17: 2 performances
VenueDet Kongelige Teater, August Bournonvilles Passage 8, Copenhagen, Denmark
First Date3rd September 1885
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
  • Web: Ibsen.net
  • Newspaper: Berlingske Politiske og Avertissementstidende
427700Antonsen, AnegreteAnegrete Antonsen379ActorGina Ekdal
440155Foss, AageAage Foss379ActorMolvik
440156Faaborg, -- Faaborg379ActorJensen
440156Faaborg, -- Faaborg379ActorGraabergTook over the part on 29 May 1886
427226Hennings, BettyBetty Hennings379ActorHedvig
430377Jerndorff, PeterPeter Jerndorff379ActorGregers Werle
439303Kolling, ValdemarValdemar Kolling379ActorA balding gentleman
431396Mantzius, KarlKarl Mantzius379ActorRelling
440157Meyer, CarlCarl Meyer379ActorPettersen
440164Møller, EmilEmil Møller379ActorGraaberg
431952Nielsen, PoulPoul Nielsen379ActorJensenTook over the part on 29 May 1886
439318Nyrop, AgnesAgnes Nyrop379ActorMrs. Sörby
432277Petersen, SophusSophus Petersen379ActorHaakon Werle
427224Poulsen, EmilEmil Poulsen379ActorHjalmar Ekdal
439455Poulsen, OlafOlaf Poulsen379ActorOld Ekdal
439296Price, CarlCarl Price379ActorA fat gentleman
439313Steenberg, JuliusJulius Steenberg379ActorA short-sighted gentleman
440154Gyllich, ValdemarValdemar Gyllich376Designer
440065Bloch, WilliamWilliam Bloch375Director
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
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Is Part ofVildandenVildanden11738Det Kongelige Teater1885-02-22Reopening78141
Production NationalityDenmark
Performance languageDanish
Further InformationReopening of a production which premiered on 22 February 1885. Performed a total of 67 times until 1917. / Sources: / - Handwritten registrant in 3 volumes (v / Johan Hunderup) with the Royal Theatre's repertoire 1874-1963, arranged in Music and Theatre Department, Drama hand library, DKB, Copenhagen. / - The royal theater repertoire 1889 / - Berlingske Politiske og Avertissementstidende, 3 September 1885.
Event Identifier99210
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