Event Peer Gynt
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VenueThéâtre Du Nord-Ouest, 13 Rue Du Faubourg Montmartre, Paris, France
First Date8th February 2018
Opening Night8th February 2018
Last Date10th May 2018
Primary GenreTheatre
516937Ameddah, AichaAicha Ameddah379Actor
516938Beauvois, ClaraClara Beauvois379Actor
516943Debost, Jean-BaptisteJean-Baptiste Debost379Actor
516939Ferrand, AntoineAntoine Ferrand379Actor
516940Morel, FrédéricFrédéric Morel379Actor
516941Tinel, LauraLaura Tinel379Actor
516942Valayer, BrunoBruno Valayer379Actor
516936Guilmard, NathalieNathalie Guilmard375Director
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
Production NationalityFrance
Performance languageFrench
Further InformationThéâtre du Nord-Ouest is reviving its tradition of the integrals of classical authors. During 4 months, they offer the 16 plays of Henrik Ibsen, played alternately by 120 actors.
Event Identifier99190
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