Event A Doll's House
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VenueThe Evergreen Theatre, 1705 Poplar, Memphis, United States Of America
First Date22nd September 2017
Opening Night22nd September 2017
Last Date1st October 2017
Primary GenreTheatre
515729Cox, MarcusMarcus Cox379ActorNils Krogstad
515727Howard, SkipSkip Howard379ActorDr. Rank
515725Pergolizzi, MarkMark Pergolizzi379ActorTorvald Helmer
515728Roberts, LeahLeah Roberts379ActorMrs. Kristine Linde
515726Walton, ShannonShannon Walton379ActorNora
515731Harpell, FredFred Harpell397Assistant DirectorAssistant Director
515735Kopera, AshleyAshley Kopera387Costume Designer
515733Halloway, J. DavidJ. David Halloway376Designer
515730Stone, MarlerMarler Stone375Director
515732Paredes, AlejandroAlejandro Paredes380Lighting Designer
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
515732Paredes, AlejandroAlejandro Paredes381Sound Designer
515734Stone, MatthewMatthew Stone381Sound Designer
Production NationalityUnited States of America
Performance languageEnglish
Event Identifier98728
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