Contributors | 502984 | Boyd, Wayne | Wayne Boyd | 379 | Actor | | Vikings | 502985 | Carlson, Elinor | Elinor Carlson | 379 | Actor | | Townspeople | 502976 | Correll, Hector | Hector Correll | 379 | Actor | Kaare the Peasant | | 502978 | D'Emilio, Gerald | Gerald D'Emilio | 379 | Actor | | Vikings | 502971 | Delgado, Henry | Henry Delgado | 379 | Actor | Sigurd the Strong | | 502980 | Eaton, Robert | Robert Eaton | 379 | Actor | | Vikings | 502982 | Fandel, Herman | Herman Fandel | 379 | Actor | | Vikings | 502968 | Hargear, Kirk | Kirk Hargear | 379 | Actor | | Townspeople | 502986 | Henry, Dianne | Dianne Henry | 379 | Actor | | Townspeople | 502973 | James, Dick | Dick James | 379 | Actor | Thorolf | | 502975 | Joyce, Janis | Janis Joyce | 379 | Actor | Hjördis | | 502972 | Kazerouni, Morteza | Morteza Kazerouni | 379 | Actor | Gunnar | | 502974 | Lilly, Patricia | Patricia Lilly | 379 | Actor | Dagny | | 502983 | Morris, Marvin | Marvin Morris | 379 | Actor | | Vikings | 502979 | Neyman, David | David Neyman | 379 | Actor | | Vikings | 502970 | Rizzo, John | John Rizzo | 379 | Actor | Örnulf of the Fjords | | 502977 | Rizzo, Terry | Terry Rizzo | 379 | Actor | Egil | | 502366 | Veit, Howard | Howard Veit | 379 | Actor | | Vikings | 502987 | Warner, Hailynn | Hailynn Warner | 379 | Actor | | Townspeople | 502981 | Wright, Peter | Peter Wright | 379 | Actor | | Vikings | 502968 | Hargear, Kirk | Kirk Hargear | 387 | Costume Designer | | | 502967 | Saunders, Harry | Harry Saunders | 376 | Designer | | | 502969 | Blattner, Lee | Lee Blattner | 375 | Director | | Technical Director | 502966 | Rose, Kenneth | Kenneth Rose | 375 | Director | | | 426902 | Ibsen, Henrik | Henrik Ibsen | 386 | Playwright | | |