Event Hedda Gabler
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VenueTeatrul National Bucuresti, Bulevardul Nicolae Bălcescu, 2, Bucharest, Romania
First Date2nd October 1917
Last Date7th October 1917
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
  • Book: Ion Vartic, Ibsen şi teatrul invizibil. Preludii la o teorie a dramei, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, R.A., Bucureşti, 1995, p. 192
  • Book: Ioan Massoff, Teatrul românesc. Vol. 5, Bucureşti: Editura pentru Literatură, 1974, p. 41
  • Newspaper: "Înainte de premieră: Hedda Gabler”, Scena, nr. 7, 3rd of October 1917, p. 2
  • Newspaper: A. de Herz, ”Cronica dramatică: Teatrul Național. Ansamblul German. Hedda Gabler, piesă în 4 acte de Henrik Ibsen”, Scena, nr. 9, 5th of October, p. 2
  • Brochure: State Archives, Bucharest, Collection National Theatre of Bucharest, Folder 19/1917, p. 234, 246
443620Arnold, GertrudGertrud Arnold379ActorMrs. Hedda Tesman
460921Fraedrich, LotteLotte Fraedrich379ActorMiss Juliane Tesman
516386Liebl, MaxMax Liebl379ActorJörgen Tesman
443306Loehr, WillyWilly Loehr379ActorJudge Brack
516149Reimann, MilliMilli Reimann379ActorThea Elvsted
444925Witte, HeinrichHeinrich Witte379ActorEjlert Lövborg
440393Reusch, HubertHubert Reusch375Director
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
Production NationalityRomania
Performance languageGerman
Further InformationAlso performed the 3rd of October 1917 (?).
Event Identifier94750
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