Contributors | 499215 | Bramwell, Robert | Robert Bramwell | 379 | Actor | | Tourists and people from the city | 499222 | Caple, John | John Caple | 379 | Actor | Ballested | | 499224 | Driver, Elizabeth | Elizabeth Driver | 379 | Actor | | Tourists and people from the city | 460241 | Edgar, Maureen | Maureen Edgar | 379 | Actor | | Tourists and people from the city | 499221 | Henry, Herbert | Herbert Henry | 379 | Actor | Lyngstrand | | 499223 | Higgins, Harry | Harry Higgins | 379 | Actor | A stranger | | 499226 | Hill, Neil | Neil Hill | 379 | Actor | | Tourists and people from the city | 499225 | Hutchinson, Muriel | Muriel Hutchinson | 379 | Actor | | Tourists and people from the city | 499217 | Kelly, Elizabeth | Elizabeth Kelly | 379 | Actor | Mrs. Ellida Wangel | | 499218 | Murray, June | June Murray | 379 | Actor | Bolette Wangel | | 433090 | Scott, William | William Scott | 379 | Actor | Dr. Wangel | | 499219 | Watson, Connie | Connie Watson | 379 | Actor | Hilde Wangel | | 499220 | Whitfield, Nicholas | Nicholas Whitfield | 379 | Actor | Arnholm | | 499216 | Curray, Rose | Rose Curray | 387 | Costume Designer | | | 499215 | Bramwell, Robert | Robert Bramwell | 376 | Designer | | | 460823 | Prosser, David | David Prosser | 375 | Director | | | 460238 | Thompson, Howard | Howard Thompson | 380 | Lighting Designer | | | 426902 | Ibsen, Henrik | Henrik Ibsen | 386 | Playwright | | |