Event Gint. A Play in Two Acts by Romulus Linney. From Ibsen’s Peer Gynt.
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DescriptionTour: 2 and 3 September 1998: Ibsen Stage Festival, Nationaltheatret, Amfiscenen, Oslo (NO).
VenueTheater For The New City, 155 1St Ave, New York, United States Of America
Umbrella EventIF
First Date17th February 1998
Opening Night17th February 1998
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
  • Web: Ibsen.net
436748Cappiello, ChristopherChristopher Cappiello379ActorThe Strange PassengerStranger
457125Cwikowski, BillBill Cwikowski379ActorA PriestPreacher
457124Ericksen, SusanSusan Ericksen379ActorSally Vicks
457127Ford, T. CatT. Cat Ford379ActorDevil Woman
457126Harris, RebeccaRebecca Harris379ActorHester Hillbrook
457128Melton, HeatherHeather Melton379ActorDr. Thigh
457123Parks, ChristineChristine Parks379ActorMother AaseOldie Momma
457129Roberts, ChristopherChristopher Roberts379ActorHuhuJohn Huhu
457122Van Pelt, DavidDavid Van Pelt379ActorPeer GyntPete Gint
457118Linney, RomulusRomulus Linney389Adaptation
457120Green, JonathanJonathan Green387Costume Designer
457119Marcante, MarkMark Marcante376Designer
457118Linney, RomulusRomulus Linney375Director
457121Andreadakis, Jon D.Jon D. Andreadakis380Lighting Designer
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
Première in a TourYes
Production NationalityUnited States of America
Performance languageEnglish
Further InformationSet to Appalachia in the USA. / Sources: Reviews by Wilborg Hampton in The New York Times 18 February 1998, by Joan Templeton in Ibsen News and Comment, vol. 18, 1998, pp. 9-10 and of the guest performance in Oslo by Annette Mürer in Dagbladet 3 September 1998.
Event Identifier84253
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