Event Kämparne på Helgeland
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VenueSvenska Teatern, Pohjoisesplanadi 2, Helsinki, Finland
First Date30th October 1911
Last Date26th November 1911
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
  • Web: Ibsen.net
450604Erastoff, EdithEdith Erastoff379ActorDagny
454233Lindgren, CarlCarl Lindgren379ActorThorolf
442721Lindh, AgnesAgnes Lindh379ActorHjördis
442425Lindh, EmilEmil Lindh379ActorKaare the Peasant
427508Malmström, ErnstErnst Malmström379ActorÖrnulf of the Fjords
450601Precht, JohnJohn Precht379ActorGunnar
454234Sundman, AnnieAnnie Sundman379ActorHjördis
441682Tallroth, KonradKonrad Tallroth379ActorSigurd the Strong
427508Malmström, ErnstErnst Malmström375Director
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
Production NationalitySweden
Performance languageSwedish
Further Information9 Performances / Folkteatern played in the Swedish Teaterns premises 1907 (1913 Folkteatern entered the Swedish Theatre under the name Svenska Teaterns Inhemska Compartment).
Event Identifier82785
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