Event Koga nij, martvite, se probudim
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VenueSvoboden Teatar , Aleko Konstantinov 33, Sofia, Bulgaria
First Date14th November 1905
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
  • Web: Ibsen.net
449565Gantscheva-Budevska, AdrianaAdriana Gantscheva-Budevska379ActorA woman travellerIrene
449426Kirtschev, AtanasAtanas Kirtschev379ActorProfessor Arnold Rubek
442551Schtarbanov, NedeltschoNedeltscho Schtarbanov379ActorUlfheim
449634Stojtscheva, TeodorinaTeodorina Stojtscheva379ActorMrs. Maja Rubek
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
Production NationalityBulgaria
Performance languageBulgarian
Further InformationSvoboden teatar = The Free Theatre / Premiere season 1905-06, exact date not known. The cast list may not be complete. / Source: List of Ibsen productions in Bulgaria 1898-2002 Henrik Ibsen, Rosmersholm; Cheda Gabler; Majstor Sulnes; June Gabriel Borkman, prevod ot norveiki Gergana May, Chemu group, Sofia 2003, pp. 408-444.
Event Identifier80466
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