Event Ett Dockhem
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VenueSvenska Teatern, Blasieholmsgatan 4, Stockholm, Sweden
First Date4th May 1901
Last Date10th March 1907
Primary GenreTheatre
Secondary Genre
    • Drama
  • Web: Ibsen.net
427783Axelsson, AmelieAmelie Axelsson379ActorAnne Marie
448872Boström, HaraldHarald Boström379ActorA porter
428957Dybwad, JohanneJohanne Dybwad379ActorNora
429026Eliason, OscarOscar Eliason379ActorDr. Rank
430058Hillberg, EmilEmil Hillberg379ActorNils Krogstad
441412Rising, EsterEster Rising379ActorHelene
440183Sandell, Lina MariaLina Maria Sandell379ActorMrs. Kristine Linde
427506Svennberg, ToreTore Svennberg379ActorTorvald Helmer
448871Hedberg, KarlKarl Hedberg375Director
426902Ibsen, HenrikHenrik Ibsen386Playwright
Production NationalitySweden
Performance languageNorwegian, Swedish
Further Information16 Performances / Guest performance by John Dybwad from the National Theatre in Christiania. / Sources: / - Theatre Advertisements, review and notes about the production in Today's News 30 April - 14 May 1901. / - Information from the Swedish Theatre Museum.
Event Identifier80189
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